Books to Add: Difference between revisions

From TTRPG Vault Wiki
(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* [[TSR2145 - Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume One]]
* [[TSR2158 - Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume Two]]
* [[GDQ1-7 - Queen of the Spiders (TSR9179)]]
* [[TSR2166 - Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume Three]]
* [[Monster Manual - 1st Edition (TSR2009)]]
* [[TSR2173 - Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume Four]]
* [[Player's Handbook - 1st Edition (TSR2010)]]
* [[TSR9179 - GDQ1-7 - Queen of the Spiders]]
* [[Dungeon Masters Guide - 1st Edition (TSR2011)]]
* [[TSR9062 - U1 - The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh]]
* [[World Builders Guidebook (TSR9532)]]
* [[TSR9064 - U2 - Danger at Dunwater]]
* [[Dungeon Builder's Guidebook (TSR9556)]]
* [[TSR9076 - U3 - The Final Enemy]]
* [[Den of Thieves (TSR9515)]]
* [[TSR2009 - Monster Manual - 1st Edition]]
* [[T1-4 - The Temple of Elemental Evil (TSR9147)]]
* [[TSR2010 - Player's Handbook - 1st Edition]]
* [[T1 - The Village of Hommlet (TSR9026)]]
* [[TSR2011 - Dungeon Masters Guide - 1st Edition]]
* [[Player's Option - Skills & Powers (TSR2154)]]
* [[TSR9532 - World Builders Guidebook]]
* [[Player's Option - Combat & Tactics (TSR2149)]]
* [[TSR9556 - Dungeon Builder's Guidebook]]
* [[Dungeon Master Option - High-Level Campaigns (TSR2156)]]
* [[TSR9515 - Den of Thieves]]
* [[Player's Option - Spells & Magic (TSR2163)]]
* [[TSR9147 - T1-4 - The Temple of Elemental Evil]]
* [[Campaign Option - Council of Wyrms (TSR11383)]]
* [[TSR9026 - T1 - The Village of Hommlet]]
* [[Dungeoneer's Survival Guide (TSR2019)]]
* [[TSR2154 - Player's Option - Skills & Powers]]
* [[Oriental Adventures (TSR2018)]]
* [[TSR2149 - Player's Option - Combat & Tactics]]
* [[Monster Manual II (TSR2016)]]
* [[TSR2156 - Dungeon Master Option - High-Level Campaigns]]
* [[Legends & Lore (TSR2013)]]
* [[TSR2163 - Player's Option - Spells & Magic]]
* [[Deities & Demigods (TSR2013)]]
* [[TSR11383 - Campaign Option - Council of Wyrms]]
* [[Fiend Folio (TSR2012)]]
* [[TSR2019 - Dungeoneer's Survival Guide]]
* [[Legends & Lore (TSR2108)]]
* [[TSR2018 - Oriental Adventures]]
* [[Book of Artifacts (TSR2138)]]
* [[TSR2016 - Monster Manual II]]
* [[Player's Handbook (TSR2101)]]
* [[TSR2013 - Legends & Lore]]
* [[Dungeon Master Guide (TSR2100)]]
* [[TSR2013 - Deities & Demigods]]
* [[HR1 - Vikings Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9322)]]
* [[TSR2012 - Fiend Folio]]
* [[HR2 - Charlemagne's Paladins Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9323)]]
* [[TSR2108 - Legends & Lore]]
* [[HR3 - Celts Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9376)]]
* [[TSR2138 - Book of Artifacts]]
* [[HR4 - A Mighty Fortress Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9370)]]
* [[TSR2101 - Player's Handbook]]
* [[HR5 - The Glory of Rome Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9425)]]
* [[TSR2100 - Dungeon Master Guide]]
* [[HR6 - Age of Heroes Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9408)]]
* [[TSR9322 - HR1 - Vikings Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[HR7 - The Crusades Campaign Sourcebook (TSR9469)]]
* [[TSR9323 - HR2 - Charlemagne's Paladins Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[REF1 - Dungeon Master Screen (TSR9024)]]
* [[TSR9376 - HR3 - Celts Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[The Rogues Gallery (TSR9031)]]
* [[TSR9370 - HR4 - A Mighty Fortress Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[Dungeon Master's Adventure Log (TSR9036)]]
* [[TSR9425 - HR5 - The Glory of Rome Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[Dungeon Master's Design Kit (TSR9234)]]
* [[TSR9408 - HR6 - Age of Heroes Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[MC1 - Monstrous Compendium - Volume One (TSR2102)]]
* [[TSR9469 - HR7 - The Crusades Campaign Sourcebook]]
* [[MC2 - Monstrous Compendium - Volume Two (TSR2103)]]
* [[TSR9024 - REF1 - Dungeon Master Screen]]
* [[MC8 - Monstrous Compendium - Outer Planes Appendix (TSR2118)]]
* [[TSR9031 - The Rogues Gallery]]
* [[MC14 - Monstrous Compendium - Fiend Folio Appendix (TSR2132)]]
* [[TSR9036 - Dungeon Master's Adventure Log]]
* [[H1 - Bloodstone Pass (TSR9122)]]
* [[TSR9234 - Dungeon Master's Design Kit]]
* [[H2 - The Mines of Bloodstone (TSR9168)]]
* [[TSR2102 - MC1 - Monstrous Compendium - Volume One]]
* [[H3 - The Bloodstone Wars (TSR9200)]]
* [[TSR2103 - MC2 - Monstrous Compendium - Volume Two]]
* [[H4 - The Throne of Bloodstone (TSR9228)]]
* [[TSR2118 - MC8 - Monstrous Compendium - Outer Planes Appendix]]
* [[Dungeon Master Screen & Master Index (TSR9504)]]
* [[TSR2132 - MC14 - Monstrous Compendium - Fiend Folio Appendix]]
* [[College of Wizardry (TSR9549)]]
* [[TSR9122 - H1 - Bloodstone Pass]]
* [[The Vortex of Madness and other Planer Perils (TSR11326)]]
* [[TSR9168 - H2 - The Mines of Bloodstone]]
* [[Warriors of Heaven (TSR11361)]]
* [[TSR9200 - H3 - The Bloodstone Wars]]
* [[Guide to Hell (TSR11431)]]
* [[TSR9228 - H4 - The Throne of Bloodstone]]
* [[A1 - Slave Pits of the Undercity (TSR9039)]]
* [[TSR9504 - Dungeon Master Screen & Master Index]]
* [[A2 - Secret of the Slaver Stockade (TSR9040)]]
* [[TSR9549 - College of Wizardry]]
* [[A3 - Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords (TSR9042)]]
* [[TSR11326 - The Vortex of Madness and other Planer Perils]]
* [[A4 - In the Dungeon of the Slave Lords (TSR9041)]]
* [[TSR11361 - Warriors of Heaven]]
* [[A1-4 - Scourge of the Slave Lords (TSR9167)]]
* [[TSR11431 - Guide to Hell]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - I, Tyrant (TSR9521)]]
* [[TSR9039 - A1 - Slave Pits of the Undercity]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Eye of Pain (TSR9522)]]
* [[TSR9040 - A2 - Secret of the Slaver Stockade]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Eye of Doom (TSR9530)]]
* [[TSR9042 - A3 - Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Eye to Eye (TSR9536)]]
* [[TSR9041 - A4 - In the Dungeon of the Slave Lords]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - The Sea Devils (TSR9539)]]
* [[TSR9167 - A1-4 - Scourge of the Slave Lords]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Evil Tide (TSR9542)]]
* [[WTCA4536 - A0-A4 - Against the Slave Lords]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Night of the Shark (TSR9550)]]
* [[TSR9521 - Monstrous Arcana - I, Tyrant]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Sea of Blood (TSR9560)]]
* [[TSR9522 - Monstrous Arcana - Eye of Pain]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - The Illithiad (TSR9569)]]
* [[TSR9530 - Monstrous Arcana - Eye of Doom]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - A Darkness Gathering (TSR9570)]]
* [[TSR9536 - Monstrous Arcana - Eye to Eye]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Masters of Eternal Night (TSR9571)]]
* [[TSR9539 - Monstrous Arcana - The Sea Devils]]
* [[Monstrous Arcana - Dawn of the Overmind (TSR9572)]]
* [[TSR9542 - Monstrous Arcana - Evil Tide]]
* [[Fighter's Player Pack (TSR1112)]]
* [[TSR9550 - Monstrous Arcana - Night of the Shark]]
* [[Wizard's Player Pack (TSR1113)]]
* [[TSR9560 - Monstrous Arcana - Sea of Blood]]
* [[Priests Player Pack (TSR1114)]]
* [[TSR9569 - Monstrous Arcana - The Illithiad]]
* [[Thief's Player Pack (TSR1115)]]
* [[TSR9570 - Monstrous Arcana - A Darkness Gathering]]
* [[Fighter's Screen (TSR9457)]]
* [[TSR9571 - Monstrous Arcana - Masters of Eternal Night]]
* [[Priest's Screen (TSR9462)]]
* [[TSR9572 - Monstrous Arcana - Dawn of the Overmind]]
* [[Thief's Screen (TSR9463)]]
* [[TSR1112 - Fighter's Player Pack]]
* [[Wizard's Screen (TSR9468)]]
* [[TSR1113 - Wizard's Player Pack]]
* [[DQ1 - The Shattered Statue (TSR9221)]]
* [[TSR1114 - Priests Player Pack]]
* [[Tomes - The Rod of Seven Parts (TSR1145)]]
* [[TSR1115 - Thief's Player Pack]]
* [[Tomes - Return to the Tomb of Horrors (TSR1162)]]
* [[TSR9457 - Fighter's Screen]]
* [[Tomes - Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (TSR11347)]]
* [[TSR9462 - Priest's Screen]]
* [[City Sites (TSR9464)]]
* [[TSR9463 - Thief's Screen]]
* [[Castle Sites (TSR947)]]
* [[TSR9468 - Wizard's Screen]]
* [[Country Sites (TSR9482)]]
* [[TSR9221 - DQ1 - The Shattered Statue]]
* [[Night Below - An Underdark Campaign (TSR1125)]]
* [[TSR1145 - Tomes - The Rod of Seven Parts]]
* [[Castles - A 3-Dimensional Game Accessory (TSR1056)]]
* [[TSR1162 - Tomes - Return to the Tomb of Horrors]]
* [[REF3 - The Book of Lairs (TSR9177)]]
* [[TSR11347 - Tomes - Axe of the Dwarvish Lords]]
* [[REF4 - The Book of Lairs II (TSR9198)]]
* [[TSR9464 - City Sites]]
* [[REF2 - Player Character Record Sheets (TSR9028)]]
* [[TSR947 - Castle Sites]]
* [[REF1 - Dungeon Master Screen (TSR9146)]]
* [[TSR9482 - Country Sites]]
* [[REF1 - Dungeon Master Screen - Terrible Trouble at Tragidore (TSR9263)]]
* [[TSR1125 - Night Below - An Underdark Campaign]]
* [[REF6 - Rogues' Gallery (TSR9380)]]
* [[TSR1056 - Castles - A 3-Dimensional Game Accessory]]
* [[Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume One (TSR2165)]]
* [[TSR9177 - REF3 - The Book of Lairs]]
* [[Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume Two (TSR2168)]]
* [[TSR9198 - REF4 - The Book of Lairs II]]
* [[Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume Three (TSR2175)]]
* [[TSR9028 - REF2 - Player Character Record Sheets]]
* [[Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume Four (TSR2177)]]
* [[TSR9146 - REF1 - Dungeon Master Screen]]
* [[Priest's Spell Compendium - Volume One (TSR11359)]]
* [[TSR9263 - REF1 - Dungeon Master Screen - Terrible Trouble at Tragidore]]
* [[Priest's Spell Compendium - Volume Two (TSR11421)]]
* [[TSR9380 - REF6 - Rogues' Gallery]]
* [[Priest's Spell Compendium - Volume Three (TSR11611)]]
* [[TSR2165 - Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume One]]
* [[RS1 - Red Sonja Unconquered (TSR9183)]]
* [[TSR2168 - Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume Two]]
* [[Dragon Mountain (TSR1089)]]
* [[TSR2175 - Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume Three]]
* [[D1 - Descent Into the Depths of the Earth (TSR9019)]]
* [[TSR2177 - Wizard's Spell Compendium - Volume Four]]
* [[D2 - Shrine of the Kuo-Toa (TSR9020)]]
* [[TSR11359 - Priest's Spell Compendium - Volume One]]
* [[D3 - Vault of the Drow (TSR9021)]]
* [[TSR11421 - Priest's Spell Compendium - Volume Two]]
* [[D1-2 - Descent Into the Depths (TSR9059)]]
* [[TSR11611 - Priest's Spell Compendium - Volume Three]]
* [[C1 - The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (TSR9032)]]
* [[TSR9183 - RS1 - Red Sonja Unconquered]]
* [[C2 - The Ghost Tower of Inverness (TSR9038)]]
* [[TSR1089 - Dragon Mountain]]
* [[C3 - The Lost Island of Castanamir (TSR9110)]]
* [[TSR9019 - D1 - Descent Into the Depths of the Earth]]
* [[C4 - To Find a King (TSR9107)]]
* [[TSR9020 - D2 - Shrine of the Kuo-Toa]]
* [[C5 - The Bane of Llewellyn (TSR9109)]]
* [[TSR9021 - D3 - Vault of the Drow]]
* [[C6 - Official RPGA Tournament Book (TSR9206)]]
* [[TSR9059 - D1-2 - Descent Into the Depths]]
* [[GR1 - Strongholds (TSR9353)]]
* [[TSR9032 - C1 - The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan]]
* [[GR2 - Dungeons of Mystery (TSR9365)]]
* [[TSR9038 - C2 - The Ghost Tower of Inverness]]
* [[GR3 - Treasure Maps (TSR9377)]]
* [[TSR9110 - C3 - The Lost Island of Castanamir]]
* [[GR4 - Treasure Chest (TSR9426)]]
* [[TSR9107 - C4 - To Find a King]]
* [[GR5 - Treasure Tales (TSR9518)]]
* [[TSR9109 - C5 - The Bane of Llewellyn]]
* [[Odyssey - Tale of the Comet (TSR1143)]]
* [[TSR9206 - C6 - Official RPGA Tournament Book]]
* [[Odyssey - Savage Coast Campaign Book (TSR2521)]]
* [[TSR9353 - GR1 - Strongholds]]
* [[Odyssey - Savage Coast - Orc's Head Peninsula Sourcebook (TSR2522)]]
* [[TSR9365 - GR2 - Dungeons of Mystery]]
* [[Monstrous Compendium - Savage Coast Appendix (TSR2524)]]
* [[TSR9377 - GR3 - Treasure Maps]]
* [[Odyssey - Jakandor, Land of Legend (TSR9472)]]
* [[TSR9426 - GR4 - Treasure Chest]]
* [[Odyssey - Jakandor, Island of War (TSR9511)]]
* [[TSR9518 - GR5 - Treasure Tales]]
* [[Odyssey - Jakandor, Isle of Destiny (TSR9512)]]
* [[TSR1143 - Odyssey - Tale of the Comet]]
* [[CB1 - Conan Unchained (TSR9123)]]
* [[TSR2521 - Odyssey - Savage Coast Campaign Book]]
* [[CB2 - Conan Against Darkness (TSR9124)]]
* [[TSR2522 - Odyssey - Savage Coast - Orc's Head Peninsula Sourcebook]]
* [[EX1 - Dungeonland (TSR9072)]]
* [[TSR2524 - Monstrous Compendium - Savage Coast Appendix]]
* [[EX2 - The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror (TSR9073)]]
* [[TSR9472 - Odyssey - Jakandor, Land of Legend]]
* [[First Quest (TSR1105)]]
* [[TSR9511 - Odyssey - Jakandor, Island of War]]
* [[Council of Wyrms (TSR1107)]]
* [[TSR9512 - Odyssey - Jakandor, Isle of Destiny]]
* [[Complete Starter Set (TSR1167)]]
* [[TSR9063 - N1 - Against the Cult of the Reptile God]]
* [[TSR9084 - N2 - The Forest Oracle]]
* [[TSR9163 - N3 - The Destiny of Kings]]
* [[TSR9185 - N4 - Treasure Hunt]]
* [[TSR9212 - N5 - Under Illefarn]]
* [[TSR9123 - CB1 - Conan Unchained]]
* [[TSR9124 - CB2 - Conan Against Darkness]]
* [[TSR9072 - EX1 - Dungeonland]]
* [[TSR9073 - EX2 - The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror]]
* [[TSR1105 - First Quest]]
* [[TSR1107 - Council of Wyrms]]
* [[TSR1167 - Complete Starter Set]]

=== MERP ===
=== From Talk Pages ===
<div style="column-count: 3; column-gap: 20px;">
<ul style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
* [[GAW010164 - Middle-earth Roleplaying]]
* [[ICE2000 - Middle-earth Role Playing, 2nd Edition - Collector's Edition]]
* [[ICE2002 - Accessory Pack]]
* [[ICE2003 - Middle-earth Campaign Guide]]
* [[ICE2004 - Combat Screen & Reference Sheets]]
* [[ICE2005 - Arnor]]
* [[ICE2006 - Valar and Maiar - The Immortal Powers]]
* [[ICE2007 - Minas Tirith]]
* [[ICE2008 - Map of Middle-Earth]]
* [[ICE2009 - Palantir Quest]]
* [[ICE2010 - Treasures of Middle-earth]]
* [[ICE2011 - Moria]]
* [[ICE2012 - Creatures of Middle-earth]]
* [[ICE2013 - Elves]]
* [[ICE2014 - Dol Guldur]]
* [[ICE2015 - The Kinstrife]]
* [[ICE2016 - Lake-Town]]
* [[ICE2017 - The Shire]]
* [[ICE2018 - Angmar]]
* [[ICE2019 - Mirkwood]]
* [[ICE2020 - Southern Gondor - The People]]
* [[ICE2021 - Southern Gondor - The Land]]
* [[ICE2022 - Arnor - The People]]
* [[ICE2023 - Arnor - The Land]]
* [[ICE2024 - Lord of the Rings Poster Map]]
* [[ICE2025 - The Northern Wastes]]
* [[ICE2026 - Hands of the Healer]]
* [[ICE2210 - Middle-Earth Adventure Guidebook II]]
* [[ICE3100 - Riders of Rohan]]

* [[ICE3112 - Gorgoroth]]
* [[Talk:Iron_Crown_Enterprises|ICE]]
* [[ICE3500 - Ents of Fangorn]]
* [[ICE3600 - Dunland and the Southern Misty Mountains]]
* [[ICE3700 - Lost Realm of Cardolan]]
* [[ICE3900 - Shadow in the South]]
* [[ICE4001 - Campaign Atlas - Northwestern Middle Eart Map Set]]
* [[ICE4002 - Northwestern Middle-earth Gazeteer]]
* [[ICE4010 - Mirkwood The Wilds of Rhovanion]]
* [[ICE4020 - Empire of the Witch King]]
* [[ICE8001 - Combat Screen]]
* [[ICE8002 - Lords of Middle Earth Vol I - The Immortals]]
* [[ICE8003 - Lords of Middle Earth Vol II - The Mannish Races]]
* [[ICE8004 - Lords of Middle Earth Vol III - Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls]]
* [[ICE8005 - Creatures of Middle Earth]]
* [[ICE8006 - Treasures of Middle Earth]]
* [[ICE8007 - Angus McBrides Characters of Middle Earth]]
* [[ICE8011 - Mouths of the Entwash]]
* [[ICE8012 - Warlords Desert]]
* [[ICE8013 - Dark Mage of Rhudaur]]
* [[ICE8014 - Rogues of the Borderlands]]
* [[ICE8015 - Forest of Tears]]
* [[ICE8070 - Goblin Gate and Eagles's Eyrye]]
* [[ICE8080 - Rivendell The House of Elrond]]
* [[ICE8090 - Brigands of Mirkwood]]
* [[ICE8100 - Middle-earth Role Playing]]
* [[ICE8101 - Haunted Ruins of the Dunlendings]]
* [[ICE8102 - Phantom Of The Northern Marches]]
* [[ICE8103 - Trolls Of The Misty Mountains]]
* [[ICE8104 - Pirates of Pelargir]]
* [[ICE8105 - Gates Of Mordor]]
* [[ICE8106 - Assassins of Dol Amroth]]
* [[ICE8107 - Woses of the Black Wood]]
* [[ICE8108 - Raiders of Cardolan]]
* [[ICE8109 - Ghosts of the Southern Anduin]]
* [[ICE8110 - Perils on the Sea of Rhun]]
* [[ICE8111 - Denizens of the Dark Wood]]
* [[ICE8112 - Hazard of the Harad Wood]]
* [[ICE8113 - The Necromancer's Lieutenant]]
* [[ICE8114 - River Running]]
* [[ICE8201 - Weathertop Tower of Wind]]
* [[ICE8202 - Teeth of Mordor]]
* [[ICE8203 - Calenhad A Beacon of Gondor]]
* [[ICE8204 - Halls of the Elven King]]
* [[ICE8205 - Nazguls Citadel]]

Latest revision as of 02:26, 29 June 2024



To Do

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

From Talk Pages