Moria - Through the Doors of Durin (FLFTOR013)
Publisher: Free League Publishing Code: FLFTOR013 ISBN: 978-91-89765-47-4 Published: 2024
Author(s): Gareth Hanrahan
Rules: The One Ring Edition: 2nd Edition Setting: The One Ring BookType: Campaign Module Format: Hardback Series: Campaign Modules Character Level:
Physical Copy: On Order Owned PDF: On Order Library: Yes
Moria - Through the Doors of Durin
For long ages, the great city of the Dwarrowdor long ages, the great city of the Dwarrowdel elf wf wasas t thehe seat of seat of Dwarven Dwarven kings. Deep they delved beneath the roots of the moukings. Deep they delved beneath the roots of the mountaintains in ns in search of search of Mithril, the fabled Moria-silver. Wonders they wrought there, Mithril, the fabled Moria-silver. Wonders they wrought there, by thby the light of e light of crystal lamps. But a thousand years ago, Durin’s Bane arose and drove the crystal lamps. But a thousand years ago, Durin’s Bane arose and drove the Dwarves from their halls. The city fell into darkness, becoming an abode Dwarves from their halls. The city fell into darkness, becoming an abode of Orcs, Goblins — and worse.
But now, there is hope! Countless Orcs perished at the Battle of Five Armies, ut now, there is hope! Countless Orcs perished at the Battle of Five Armies, and it may be the Halls of Durin lie empty once more, waiting to be and it may be the Halls of Durin lie empty once more, waiting to be reclaimed by those with the courage to face the long dark under the reclaimed by those with the courage to face the long dark under the mountain. Maybe there are piles of treasure there, waiting to be claimed. mountain. Maybe there are piles of treasure there, waiting to be claimed.
Maybe Mithril still glimmers in the mines under Caradhras. Cross the Maybe Mithril still glimmers in the mines under Caradhras. Cross the dread threshold, adventurer, and delve deep!