Acid Storm (AD&D 2E)

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Acid Storm
7th Level Spell, Evocation
 Range: 10 yards/level
 Duration: 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: 40-foot-diameter circle
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 7
 Saving Throw: 1/2
Description: This deadly spell unleashes a downpour of magical, gelatinous acid droplets. All creatures within the area of effect are coated by globs of gooey acid. The acid can be washed off only with wine, vinegar, or by a successful dispel magic or similar spell. The acid remains present for 1 round per level of the caster, then vanishes.

Creatures coated by the acid suffer 1d4 hit points of damage each round during rounds 1-3, 1d6 points in each of rounds 4-6, and 1d8 points on each round thereafter. Characters who successfully save vs. spells during the first round suffer only half damage from the acid for the remaining rounds. When the spell expires, no further damage is inflicted.

Acid damage can be healed through any means except regeneration. The material component is a drop of acid.

Source: Tome of Magic (TSR2121), Page 40
 Acid Storm
 7th Level Spell
 10 yards/level
 1 round/level
 40-foot-diameter circle
 V, S, M
 This deadly spell unleashes a downpour of magical, gelatinous acid droplets. All creatures within the area of effect are coated by globs of gooey acid. The acid can be washed off only with wine, vinegar, or by a successful dispel magic or similar spell. The acid remains present for 1 round per level of the caster, then vanishes.

Creatures coated by the acid suffer 1d4 hit points of damage each round during rounds 1-3, 1d6 points in each of rounds 4-6, and 1d8 points on each round thereafter. Characters who successfully save vs. spells during the first round suffer only half damage from the acid for the remaining rounds. When the spell expires, no further damage is inflicted.

Acid damage can be healed through any means except regeneration. The material component is a drop of acid.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This deadly spell unleashes a downpour of magical, gelatinous acid droplets. All creatures within the area of effect are coated by globs of gooey acid. The acid can be washed off only with wine, vinegar, or by a successful dispel magic or similar spell. The acid remains present for 1 round per level of the caster, then vanishes.</br></br>Creatures coated by the acid suffer 1d4 hit points of damage each round during rounds 1-3, 1d6 points in each of rounds 4-6, and 1d8 points on each round thereafter. Characters who successfully save vs. spells during the first round suffer only half damage from the acid for the remaining rounds. When the spell expires, no further damage is inflicted.</br></br>Acid damage can be healed through any means except regeneration. The material component is a drop of acid." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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