Bind Undead (AD&D 2E)

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Bind Undead
5th Level Spell, Necromancy
 Range: 10 yards/level
 Duration: 2 rounds/level
 Area of Effect: One undead/level
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 5
 Saving Throw: Special
Description: Bind undead is highly effective against certain kinds of undead (it has no effect on living creatures). This spell automatically affects all chosen corporeal undead of 6+ or less HD (including coffer corpses, crypt things, ghouls, ghasts, great ghuls, huecuva, mummies, all types of skeletons, sons of Kyuss, wights, and all manner of zombies), with no saving throw. Such creatures curl into a ball (if more than one undead is affected, they are all gathered into one tightly-packed sphere). Affected undead are held helpless and immobile, their Special abilities in stasis, until the spell expires or the caster frees them. The diameter of this ball of undead is typically 2-3 feet per affected creature. Typically, this "boneball" is rolled off a cliff or into an obstacle or fire, or conveyed into the midst of foes, whereupon the caster ends the magic, freeing the undead to fight.

Against noncorporeal undead (such as ghosts and spectres) and all undead of 7 or more HD who don't rum as "Special" (including vampires and liches), bind undead acts only as a slow spell. These undead are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells to resist the effect. Bind undead does not effect "Special" undead. The material component is the bone of any creature, held in the wizard's left hand at the rime of casting.

Source: DMGR7 - The Complete Book of Necromancers (TSR2151), Page 55
 Bind Undead
 5th Level Spell
 10 yards/level
 2 rounds/level
 One undead/level
 V, S, M
 Bind undead is highly effective against certain kinds of undead (it has no effect on living creatures). This spell automatically affects all chosen corporeal undead of 6+ or less HD (including coffer corpses, crypt things, ghouls, ghasts, great ghuls, huecuva, mummies, all types of skeletons, sons of Kyuss, wights, and all manner of zombies), with no saving throw. Such creatures curl into a ball (if more than one undead is affected, they are all gathered into one tightly-packed sphere). Affected undead are held helpless and immobile, their Special abilities in stasis, until the spell expires or the caster frees them. The diameter of this ball of undead is typically 2-3 feet per affected creature. Typically, this "boneball" is rolled off a cliff or into an obstacle or fire, or conveyed into the midst of foes, whereupon the caster ends the magic, freeing the undead to fight.

Against noncorporeal undead (such as ghosts and spectres) and all undead of 7 or more HD who don't rum as "Special" (including vampires and liches), bind undead acts only as a slow spell. These undead are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells to resist the effect. Bind undead does not effect "Special" undead. The material component is the bone of any creature, held in the wizard's left hand at the rime of casting.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "Bind undead is highly effective against certain kinds of undead (it has no effect on living creatures). This spell automatically affects all chosen corporeal undead of 6+ or less HD (including coffer corpses, crypt things, ghouls, ghasts, great ghuls, huecuva, mummies, all types of skeletons, sons of Kyuss, wights, and all manner of zombies), with no saving throw. Such creatures curl into a ball (if more than one undead is affected, they are all gathered into one tightly-packed sphere). Affected undead are held helpless and immobile, their Special abilities in stasis, until the spell expires or the caster frees them. The diameter of this ball of undead is typically 2-3 feet per affected creature. Typically, this "boneball" is rolled off a cliff or into an obstacle or fire, or conveyed into the midst of foes, whereupon the caster ends the magic, freeing the undead to fight.</br></br>Against noncorporeal undead (such as ghosts and spectres) and all undead of 7 or more HD who don't rum as "Special" (including vampires and liches), bind undead acts only as a slow spell. These undead are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells to resist the effect. Bind undead does not effect "Special" undead. The material component is the bone of any creature, held in the wizard's left hand at the rime of casting." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]