Black Blade of Disaster (AD&D 2E)

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Black Blade of Disaster
9th Level Spell, Evocation, Conjuration/Summoning
 Range: 10'/level
 Duration: 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: Special
 Components: V, S
 Casting Time: 6
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell enables the caster to create a black, blade-shaped planar rift. It moves about as the caster wills, providing the caster can see and concentrate on it, at a rate of up to 90'/round. If the caster ceases concentration on the effect at any time, the blade collapses into nothingness at the end of that round.

A black blade of disaster can cut through prismatic walls and spheres, walls of force, and all other known magical barriers, including an antimagic shell.

Such a blade can also be used to strike in battle, twice per round (it has the same THACO as its caster). A black blade does 1-12 structural (or hull) points of damage (Idl2 x 10) to inanimate objects that do not bear dweomers. If walls have spells upon them, consider them magical barriers (see above).

Against creatures, a black blade does 2dl2 points of damage per strike, attacks twice per round, and absorbs all magical attacks and effects directed at it. Anyone trying to seize or physically attack it is affected as if struck by the blade.

If the caster rolls a natural 20, the blade causes the victim to disintegrate. Nothing short of a wish will restore a character destroyed in this fashion.

Source: FOR2 - The Drow of the Underdark (TSR9326), Page 58
 Black Blade of Disaster
 9th Level Spell
 Evocation, Conjuration/Summoning
 1 round/level
 V, S
 This spell enables the caster to create a black, blade-shaped planar rift. It moves about as the caster wills, providing the caster can see and concentrate on it, at a rate of up to 90'/round. If the caster ceases concentration on the effect at any time, the blade collapses into nothingness at the end of that round.

A black blade of disaster can cut through prismatic walls and spheres, walls of force, and all other known magical barriers, including an antimagic shell.

Such a blade can also be used to strike in battle, twice per round (it has the same THACO as its caster). A black blade does 1-12 structural (or hull) points of damage (Idl2 x 10) to inanimate objects that do not bear dweomers. If walls have spells upon them, consider them magical barriers (see above).

Against creatures, a black blade does 2dl2 points of damage per strike, attacks twice per round, and absorbs all magical attacks and effects directed at it. Anyone trying to seize or physically attack it is affected as if struck by the blade.

If the caster rolls a natural 20, the blade causes the victim to disintegrate. Nothing short of a wish will restore a character destroyed in this fashion.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell enables the caster to create a black, blade-shaped planar rift. It moves about as the caster wills, providing the caster can see and concentrate on it, at a rate of up to 90'/round. If the caster ceases concentration on the effect at any time, the blade collapses into nothingness at the end of that round.</br></br>A black blade of disaster can cut through prismatic walls and spheres, walls of force, and all other known magical barriers, including an antimagic shell.</br></br>Such a blade can also be used to strike in battle, twice per round (it has the same THACO as its caster). A black blade does 1-12 structural (or hull) points of damage (Idl2 x 10) to inanimate objects that do not bear dweomers. If walls have spells upon them, consider them magical barriers (see above).</br></br>Against creatures, a black blade does 2dl2 points of damage per strike, attacks twice per round, and absorbs all magical attacks and effects directed at it. Anyone trying to seize or physically attack it is affected as if struck by the blade.</br></br>If the caster rolls a natural 20, the blade causes the victim to disintegrate. Nothing short of a wish will restore a character destroyed in this fashion." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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