Chromatic Orb (AD&D 2E)

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Chromatic Orb
1st Level Spell, Alteration, Evocation
 Range: 0
 Duration: Special
 Area of Effect: One creature
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 1
 Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: This spell causes a 4-inch-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. Within the limits described below, the sphere can appear in a variety of colors; each color indicates a different special power. The caster can hurl the sphere at an opponent up to 30 yards away, providing there are no barriers between the caster and the target. If the target is no more than 10 yards away, the caster's to hit roll is made with a +3 bonus. If the target is 10-20 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +2 bonus. If the target is 20-30 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +1 bonus.

If the chromatic orb misses its target, it dissipates without effect. If the target creature makes a successful saving throw, the chromatic orb is also ineffective. Otherwise, the color of the orb determines the amount of damage inflicted and its special power, as summarized on Table 16; details about the special powers are listed below. The caster can create a single orb of any color listed for his level or lower; for instance, a 3rd-level wizard can create an orange, red, or white orb. The material component for this spell is a gem of the appropriate hue or any diamond. The gem must have a value of at least 50 gp.

Light from the orb causes the victim to become surrounded by light to a radius of 20 feet, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time the victim makes his attack rolls and saving throws at a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4.

Heat from the orb is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice. The victim suffers a loss of 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Dexterity (or for victims without these attributes, -1 to hit and a penalty of 1 to AC) for 1 round.

Fire from the orb ignites all combustible materials within 3 feet of the victim.

Blindness from the orb causes the victim to become blind as per the spell. The effect lasts for 1 round/level of the caster.

Stinking cloud from the orb surrounds the victim in a 5-foot-radius noxious cloud. The victim must save vs. poison or will be reeling and unable to attack until he leaves the area of the vapors. Magnetism from the orb has an effect only if the victim is wearing armor made from iron. The iron armor becomes magically magnetized for 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Other iron objects within 3 feet of the caster will stick tight to the magnetized armor; only dispel magic or a similar spell can release the stuck items. At the end of the spell's duration, the stuck items are released.

Paralysis from the orb causes the victim to become paralyzed for 6-20 (2d8 + 4) rounds; a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation halves the number of rounds.

Petrification from the orb turns the victim to stone. If the victim successfully saves vs. petrification, he avoids turning to stone and instead is slowed (as per the spell) for 2-8 (2d4) rounds.

Death from the orb causes the victim to die. If the victim successfully saves. vs death magic, he avoids death and instead is paralyzed for 2-5 (1d4 +1) rounds.

Source: PHBR4 - The Complete Wizard's Handbook (TSR2115), Page 95
 Chromatic Orb
 1st Level Spell
 Alteration, Evocation
 One creature
 V, S, M
 This spell causes a 4-inch-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. Within the limits described below, the sphere can appear in a variety of colors; each color indicates a different special power. The caster can hurl the sphere at an opponent up to 30 yards away, providing there are no barriers between the caster and the target. If the target is no more than 10 yards away, the caster's to hit roll is made with a +3 bonus. If the target is 10-20 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +2 bonus. If the target is 20-30 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +1 bonus.

If the chromatic orb misses its target, it dissipates without effect. If the target creature makes a successful saving throw, the chromatic orb is also ineffective. Otherwise, the color of the orb determines the amount of damage inflicted and its special power, as summarized on Table 16; details about the special powers are listed below. The caster can create a single orb of any color listed for his level or lower; for instance, a 3rd-level wizard can create an orange, red, or white orb. The material component for this spell is a gem of the appropriate hue or any diamond. The gem must have a value of at least 50 gp.

Light from the orb causes the victim to become surrounded by light to a radius of 20 feet, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time the victim makes his attack rolls and saving throws at a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4.

Heat from the orb is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice. The victim suffers a loss of 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Dexterity (or for victims without these attributes, -1 to hit and a penalty of 1 to AC) for 1 round.

Fire from the orb ignites all combustible materials within 3 feet of the victim.

Blindness from the orb causes the victim to become blind as per the spell. The effect lasts for 1 round/level of the caster.

Stinking cloud from the orb surrounds the victim in a 5-foot-radius noxious cloud. The victim must save vs. poison or will be reeling and unable to attack until he leaves the area of the vapors. Magnetism from the orb has an effect only if the victim is wearing armor made from iron. The iron armor becomes magically magnetized for 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Other iron objects within 3 feet of the caster will stick tight to the magnetized armor; only dispel magic or a similar spell can release the stuck items. At the end of the spell's duration, the stuck items are released.

Paralysis from the orb causes the victim to become paralyzed for 6-20 (2d8 + 4) rounds; a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation halves the number of rounds.

Petrification from the orb turns the victim to stone. If the victim successfully saves vs. petrification, he avoids turning to stone and instead is slowed (as per the spell) for 2-8 (2d4) rounds.

Death from the orb causes the victim to die. If the victim successfully saves. vs death magic, he avoids death and instead is paralyzed for 2-5 (1d4 +1) rounds.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell causes a 4-inch-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. Within the limits described below, the sphere can appear in a variety of colors; each color indicates a different special power. The caster can hurl the sphere at an opponent up to 30 yards away, providing there are no barriers between the caster and the target. If the target is no more than 10 yards away, the caster's to hit roll is made with a +3 bonus. If the target is 10-20 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +2 bonus. If the target is 20-30 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +1 bonus.</br></br>If the chromatic orb misses its target, it dissipates without effect. If the target creature makes a successful saving throw, the chromatic orb is also ineffective. Otherwise, the color of the orb determines the amount of damage inflicted and its special power, as summarized on Table 16; details about the special powers are listed below. The caster can create a single orb of any color listed for his level or lower; for instance, a 3rd-level wizard can create an orange, red, or white orb. The material component for this spell is a gem of the appropriate hue or any diamond. The gem must have a value of at least 50 gp.</br></br>Light from the orb causes the victim to become surrounded by light to a radius of 20 feet, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time the victim makes his attack rolls and saving throws at a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4.</br></br>Heat from the orb is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice. The victim suffers a loss of 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Dexterity (or for victims without these attributes, -1 to hit and a penalty of 1 to AC) for 1 round.</br></br>Fire from the orb ignites all combustible materials within 3 feet of the victim.</br></br>Blindness from the orb causes the victim to become blind as per the spell. The effect lasts for 1 round/level of the caster.</br></br>Stinking cloud from the orb surrounds the victim in a 5-foot-radius noxious cloud. The victim must save vs. poison or will be reeling and unable to attack until he leaves the area of the vapors. Magnetism from the orb has an effect only if the victim is wearing armor made from iron. The iron armor becomes magically magnetized for 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Other iron objects within 3 feet of the caster will stick tight to the magnetized armor; only dispel magic or a similar spell can release the stuck items. At the end of the spell's duration, the stuck items are released.</br></br>Paralysis from the orb causes the victim to become paralyzed for 6-20 (2d8 + 4) rounds; a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation halves the number of rounds.</br></br>Petrification from the orb turns the victim to stone. If the victim successfully saves vs. petrification, he avoids turning to stone and instead is slowed (as per the spell) for 2-8 (2d4) rounds. </br></br>Death from the orb causes the victim to die. If the victim successfully saves. vs death magic, he avoids death and instead is paralyzed for 2-5 (1d4 +1) rounds." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]

Table 16 - Chromatic Orb Effects

Level of Caster Colour of Orb Generated Hit Points of Damage Special Power
1st White 1-4 Light
2nd Red 1-6 Heat
3rd Orange 1-8 Fire
4th Yellow 1-10 Blindness
5th Green 1-12 Stinking Cloud
6th Turquoise 2-8 Magnetism
7th Blue 2-16 Paralysis
8th Violet slow Petrification
9th Black paralysis Death