Dark Wings

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Dark Wings
3rd Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: One creature
 Components: V,S, M
 Casting Time: 3
 Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: This spell transforms a piece of bat wing and a piece of bone into a short-lived, magically-assisted pair of giant bat wings. These powerful appendages have a 15' tip-to-tip span, and sprout from the shoulders of the caster or one who is touched by him (who must save to negate the spell, even if willing).

The wings allow the affected being to fly clumsily (MV Fl 17 (D)), but with great power. With these wings, a being can slow a fall, carry companions or gear of up to twice his normal body weight, or glide to bring up to three times the winged being's normal body weight to a harmless landing.

In flight, the wings can buffet other creatures for 2d4 damage per round (slowing movement to 7 per round), and can be used to shield the winged creature and others, giving them the wings' AC of 4 if desired. The wings can take any amount of damage without collapsing or harming their owner. They slow walking movement rate to a maximum of 7,however, dragging behind the being on which they have grown. They cannot be removed before the spell expires, even by the caster, without the use of dispel magic or poly morph magics.

Source: FOR2 - The Drow of the Underdark (TSR9326), Page 51
 Dark Wings
 3rd Level Spell
 1 round/level
 One creature
 V,S, M
 This spell transforms a piece of bat wing and a piece of bone into a short-lived, magically-assisted pair of giant bat wings. These powerful appendages have a 15' tip-to-tip span, and sprout from the shoulders of the caster or one who is touched by him (who must save to negate the spell, even if willing).

The wings allow the affected being to fly clumsily (MV Fl 17 (D)), but with great power. With these wings, a being can slow a fall, carry companions or gear of up to twice his normal body weight, or glide to bring up to three times the winged being's normal body weight to a harmless landing.

In flight, the wings can buffet other creatures for 2d4 damage per round (slowing movement to 7 per round), and can be used to shield the winged creature and others, giving them the wings' AC of 4 if desired. The wings can take any amount of damage without collapsing or harming their owner. They slow walking movement rate to a maximum of 7,however, dragging behind the being on which they have grown. They cannot be removed before the spell expires, even by the caster, without the use of dispel magic or poly morph magics.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell transforms a piece of bat wing and a piece of bone into a short-lived, magically-assisted pair of giant bat wings. These powerful appendages have a 15' tip-to-tip span, and sprout from the shoulders of the caster or one who is touched by him (who must save to negate the spell, even if willing).</br></br>The wings allow the affected being to fly clumsily (MV Fl 17 (D)), but with great power. With these wings, a being can slow a fall, carry companions or gear of up to twice his normal body weight, or glide to bring up to three times the winged being's normal body weight to a harmless landing.</br></br>In flight, the wings can buffet other creatures for 2d4 damage per round (slowing movement to 7 per round), and can be used to shield the winged creature and others, giving them the wings' AC of 4 if desired. The wings can take any amount of damage without collapsing or harming their owner. They slow walking movement rate to a maximum of 7,however, dragging behind the being on which they have grown. They cannot be removed before the spell expires, even by the caster, without the use of dispel magic or poly morph magics." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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