Death Shroud (AD&D 2E)

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Death Shroud
8th Level Spell, Necromancy
 Range: Touch
 Duration: Special (2 rounds/level maximum)
 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 8
 Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: Death shroud draws upon the Negative Material Plane to surround the caster in a dark and shadowy aura of life-draining energy. While the spellcaster suffers no ill-effects from this baneful radiance, it may have dire consequences for anyone who comes into contact with the aura.

The death shroud can be used actively in offense and passively in defense. In combat, the wizard may activate the deadly power of the spell by touching a victim (requiring a successful attack roll). Any creature touched must immediately save vs. death magic with a -4 penalty. If the roll is successful, the victim is unharmed. If the save is failed, a black haze forms around the victim, draining 20% of his or her current hit points each round until the unfortunate individual dies at the end of the fifth round. The death shroud also serves as a passive ward or protection for the caster. Anyone who touches the wizard or attempts to strike him or her with any handheld object or melee weapon must make a saving throw vs. death magic (with no penalties) or be stricken by the death shroud in a similar manner.

The following spells remove the death shroud from an afflicted individual: cure critical wounds, heal, limited wish, wish, or a successful dispel magic. Lesser curing spells and healing potions delay death only by one round. Multiple applications of these spells or potions may prolong a victim's life until the duration of the spell expires. The spell may also be ended prematurely by killing or successfully employing dispel magic on the caster (this immediately releases all creatures afflicted by the spell).

The death shroud remains in effect until the wizard has successfully attacked or been attacked by a number of creatures equal to his or her current level (or the spell's maximum duration of two rounds per level has elapsed). Undead are not affected by this spell. In fact, if an undead creature is attacked by a death shroud, it immediately gains 1 HD, and the wizard must save vs. death magic or suffer the effects of the death shroud him- or herself.

This dreadful spell is known only to a select cadre of necromancers who purportedly learned it from a mysterious, bronze-bound book of extraplanar origin. The warding requires the following material components: crushed black opal and diamond (worth 5,000 gp), dust from a corporeal undead with strong ties to the Negative Material Plane (such as a vampire or wight), and a hunk of smoky quartz. These ingredients are consumed in the casting.

Source: DMGR7 - The Complete Book of Necromancers (TSR2151), Page 60
 Death Shroud
 8th Level Spell
 Special (2 rounds/level maximum)
 1 creature/level
 V, S, M
 Death shroud draws upon the Negative Material Plane to surround the caster in a dark and shadowy aura of life-draining energy. While the spellcaster suffers no ill-effects from this baneful radiance, it may have dire consequences for anyone who comes into contact with the aura.

The death shroud can be used actively in offense and passively in defense. In combat, the wizard may activate the deadly power of the spell by touching a victim (requiring a successful attack roll). Any creature touched must immediately save vs. death magic with a -4 penalty. If the roll is successful, the victim is unharmed. If the save is failed, a black haze forms around the victim, draining 20% of his or her current hit points each round until the unfortunate individual dies at the end of the fifth round. The death shroud also serves as a passive ward or protection for the caster. Anyone who touches the wizard or attempts to strike him or her with any handheld object or melee weapon must make a saving throw vs. death magic (with no penalties) or be stricken by the death shroud in a similar manner.

The following spells remove the death shroud from an afflicted individual: cure critical wounds, heal, limited wish, wish, or a successful dispel magic. Lesser curing spells and healing potions delay death only by one round. Multiple applications of these spells or potions may prolong a victim's life until the duration of the spell expires. The spell may also be ended prematurely by killing or successfully employing dispel magic on the caster (this immediately releases all creatures afflicted by the spell).

The death shroud remains in effect until the wizard has successfully attacked or been attacked by a number of creatures equal to his or her current level (or the spell's maximum duration of two rounds per level has elapsed). Undead are not affected by this spell. In fact, if an undead creature is attacked by a death shroud, it immediately gains 1 HD, and the wizard must save vs. death magic or suffer the effects of the death shroud him- or herself.

This dreadful spell is known only to a select cadre of necromancers who purportedly learned it from a mysterious, bronze-bound book of extraplanar origin. The warding requires the following material components: crushed black opal and diamond (worth 5,000 gp), dust from a corporeal undead with strong ties to the Negative Material Plane (such as a vampire or wight), and a hunk of smoky quartz. These ingredients are consumed in the casting.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "Death shroud draws upon the Negative Material Plane to surround the caster in a dark and shadowy aura of life-draining energy. While the spellcaster suffers no ill-effects from this baneful radiance, it may have dire consequences for anyone who comes into contact with the aura.</br></br>The death shroud can be used actively in offense and passively in defense. In combat, the wizard may activate the deadly power of the spell by touching a victim (requiring a successful attack roll). Any creature touched must immediately save vs. death magic with a -4 penalty. If the roll is successful, the victim is unharmed. If the save is failed, a black haze forms around the victim, draining 20% of his or her current hit points each round until the unfortunate individual dies at the end of the fifth round. The death shroud also serves as a passive ward or protection for the caster. Anyone who touches the wizard or attempts to strike him or her with any handheld object or melee weapon must make a saving throw vs. death magic (with no penalties) or be stricken by the death shroud in a similar manner.</br></br>The following spells remove the death shroud from an afflicted individual: cure critical wounds, heal, limited wish, wish, or a successful dispel magic. Lesser curing spells and healing potions delay death only by one round. Multiple applications of these spells or potions may prolong a victim's life until the duration of the spell expires. The spell may also be ended prematurely by killing or successfully employing dispel magic on the caster (this immediately releases all creatures afflicted by the spell).</br></br>The death shroud remains in effect until the wizard has successfully attacked or been attacked by a number of creatures equal to his or her current level (or the spell's maximum duration of two rounds per level has elapsed). Undead are not affected by this spell. In fact, if an undead creature is attacked by a death shroud, it immediately gains 1 HD, and the wizard must save vs. death magic or suffer the effects of the death shroud him- or herself.</br></br>This dreadful spell is known only to a select cadre of necromancers who purportedly learned it from a mysterious, bronze-bound book of extraplanar origin. The warding requires the following material components: crushed black opal and diamond (worth 5,000 gp), dust from a corporeal undead with strong ties to the Negative Material Plane (such as a vampire or wight), and a hunk of smoky quartz. These ingredients are consumed in the casting." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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