Ghoul Touch

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Ghoul Touch
2nd Level Spell, Necromancy
 Range: 0
 Duration: 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: One person
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 2
 Saving Throw: Special
Description: When this spell is in effect, the caster's touch causes any single human, dwarf, gnome, half-elf, or halfling to become rigid for 3-8 (1d6 +2) rounds unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. Additionally, the paralyzed victim exudes a carrion stench in a 10-foot radius that causes retching and nausea. Those within this area who fail to save vs. poison will make their attacks with a -2 penalty until the spell reaches the end of its duration.

The material component for this spell is a small scrap of cloth taken from the clothing of a ghoul or a pinch of earth from a ghoul's lair.

Source: PHBR4 - The Complete Wizard's Handbook (TSR2115), Page 98
 Ghoul Touch
 2nd Level Spell
 1 round/level
 One person
 V, S, M
 When this spell is in effect, the caster's touch causes any single human, dwarf, gnome, half-elf, or halfling to become rigid for 3-8 (1d6 +2) rounds unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. Additionally, the paralyzed victim exudes a carrion stench in a 10-foot radius that causes retching and nausea. Those within this area who fail to save vs. poison will make their attacks with a -2 penalty until the spell reaches the end of its duration.

The material component for this spell is a small scrap of cloth taken from the clothing of a ghoul or a pinch of earth from a ghoul's lair.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "When this spell is in effect, the caster's touch causes any single human, dwarf, gnome, half-elf, or halfling to become rigid for 3-8 (1d6 +2) rounds unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. Additionally, the paralyzed victim exudes a carrion stench in a 10-foot radius that causes retching and nausea. Those within this area who fail to save vs. poison will make their attacks with a -2 penalty until the spell reaches the end of its duration.</br></br>The material component for this spell is a small scrap of cloth taken from the clothing of a ghoul or a pinch of earth from a ghoul's lair." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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