Locate Remains (AD&D 2E)

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Locate Remains
1st Level Spell, Necromancy, Divination
 Range: 0
 Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/level
 Area of Effect: 30' long + 5'/ level
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 1 round
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell attunes the caster to the physical remains of dead beings in the area of effect. Locate remains will thus easily detect the presence of unburied corpses or corporeal undead (such as skeletons, zombies, or ghasts), but has no effect on noncorporeal undead (such as ghosts or spectres). The area of effect extends in a 10' wide path, facing the in the caster's current direction. Scanning in a direction requires one round, during which time the caster remains motionless in concentration.

Locate remains is mostly unaffected by walls or obstacles, though the area of effect is decreased (to 10' +I'/ level) by more than three feet of solid stone, ten feet of wood or packed earth, or one inch of metal.

In the most general application, the spell precisely locates any and all physical remains of individuals in the area of effect, regardless of sex, species, and undead status. This spell does not impart any knowledge regarding the identity (or undead nature) of the remains; only the current locations of corpses within the area of effect are learned. If a personal item or a small fragment of the deceased individual is available at the time of casting, the spell can be used to locate the remains of that specific individual. In that case, the spell docs not register the presence of any remains except those of the desired individual.

Both the general and specific versions of the spell have no effect if cast on a living creature of any kind.

The material component for this spell is either a small piece of bone from a human cadaver (for the general version) or else an article of clothing, personal possession, or strand of hair (for the specific version). This spell is popular in regions with strict burial customs.

Source: DMGR7 - The Complete Book of Necromancers (TSR2151), Page 50
 Locate Remains
 1st Level Spell
 Necromancy, Divination
 1 turn + 5 rounds/level
 30' long + 5'/ level
 V, S, M
 1 round
 This spell attunes the caster to the physical remains of dead beings in the area of effect. Locate remains will thus easily detect the presence of unburied corpses or corporeal undead (such as skeletons, zombies, or ghasts), but has no effect on noncorporeal undead (such as ghosts or spectres). The area of effect extends in a 10' wide path, facing the in the caster's current direction. Scanning in a direction requires one round, during which time the caster remains motionless in concentration.

Locate remains is mostly unaffected by walls or obstacles, though the area of effect is decreased (to 10' +I'/ level) by more than three feet of solid stone, ten feet of wood or packed earth, or one inch of metal.

In the most general application, the spell precisely locates any and all physical remains of individuals in the area of effect, regardless of sex, species, and undead status. This spell does not impart any knowledge regarding the identity (or undead nature) of the remains; only the current locations of corpses within the area of effect are learned. If a personal item or a small fragment of the deceased individual is available at the time of casting, the spell can be used to locate the remains of that specific individual. In that case, the spell docs not register the presence of any remains except those of the desired individual.

Both the general and specific versions of the spell have no effect if cast on a living creature of any kind.

The material component for this spell is either a small piece of bone from a human cadaver (for the general version) or else an article of clothing, personal possession, or strand of hair (for the specific version). This spell is popular in regions with strict burial customs.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell attunes the caster to the physical remains of dead beings in the area of effect. Locate remains will thus easily detect the presence of unburied corpses or corporeal undead (such as skeletons, zombies, or ghasts), but has no effect on noncorporeal undead (such as ghosts or spectres). The area of effect extends in a 10' wide path, facing the in the caster's current direction. Scanning in a direction requires one round, during which time the caster remains motionless in concentration.</br></br>Locate remains is mostly unaffected by walls or obstacles, though the area of effect is decreased (to 10' +I'/ level) by more than three feet of solid stone, ten feet of wood or packed earth, or one inch of metal.</br></br>In the most general application, the spell precisely locates any and all physical remains of individuals in the area of effect, regardless of sex, species, and undead status. This spell does not impart any knowledge regarding the identity (or undead nature) of the remains; only the current locations of corpses within the area of effect are learned. If a personal item or a small fragment of the deceased individual is available at the time of casting, the spell can be used to locate the remains of that specific individual. In that case, the spell docs not register the presence of any remains except those of the desired individual.</br></br>Both the general and specific versions of the spell have no effect if cast on a living creature of any kind.</br></br>The material component for this spell is either a small piece of bone from a human cadaver (for the general version) or else an article of clothing, personal possession, or strand of hair (for the specific version). This spell is popular in regions with strict burial customs." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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