Mist Magic

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Mist Magic
2nd Level Spell, Evocation
 Range: 70 yards
 Duration: 1d4 turns + 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: sphere; 20'-radius + 10'/level
 Components: V, S, M
 Casting Time: 2
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell creates concealing mists, akin to the first level wizard spell wall of fog. Unlike that simpler spell, magic mists can either move as chosen by the caster at a maximum rate of 20'/round, or stay motionless (despite winds) for 1 round/level of the caster, or move with the caster. Mist is left behind at the caster's last solid corporeal location if the caster uses such spells as blink, dimension door, or teleport. The movement cannot be changed once chosen. Mist control does not prevent other action or spell casting.

The mist created is thick and concealing, obscuring even infravison beyond two feet. The mist is also extremely wet, dousing normal campfires or smaller flames and extinguishing larger normal fires in 2-5 rounds (this destroys the mists). Many wizards use this spell to put out house and forest fires.

All fire-based attacks entering, passing through, or cast within the mists lose 2 points from each die of damage.

Items in the mist receive +3 saving throw bonuses against fire-based attacks, but damage done is unchanged. The mists can be affected by hold vapor and destroyed by dispel magic. Duration of the mists is halved by strong winds.

Source: TSR9301 - FA1 - Halls of the High King, Page 51
 Mist Magic
 2nd Level Spell
 70 yards
 1d4 turns + 1 round/level
 sphere; 20'-radius + 10'/level
 V, S, M
 This spell creates concealing mists, akin to the first level wizard spell wall of fog. Unlike that simpler spell, magic mists can either move as chosen by the caster at a maximum rate of 20'/round, or stay motionless (despite winds) for 1 round/level of the caster, or move with the caster. Mist is left behind at the caster's last solid corporeal location if the caster uses such spells as blink, dimension door, or teleport. The movement cannot be changed once chosen. Mist control does not prevent other action or spell casting.

The mist created is thick and concealing, obscuring even infravison beyond two feet. The mist is also extremely wet, dousing normal campfires or smaller flames and extinguishing larger normal fires in 2-5 rounds (this destroys the mists). Many wizards use this spell to put out house and forest fires.

All fire-based attacks entering, passing through, or cast within the mists lose 2 points from each die of damage.

Items in the mist receive +3 saving throw bonuses against fire-based attacks, but damage done is unchanged. The mists can be affected by hold vapor and destroyed by dispel magic. Duration of the mists is halved by strong winds.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell creates concealing mists, akin to the first level wizard spell wall of fog. Unlike that simpler spell, magic mists can either move as chosen by the caster at a maximum rate of 20'/round, or stay motionless (despite winds) for 1 round/level of the caster, or move with the caster. Mist is left behind at the caster's last solid corporeal location if the caster uses such spells as blink, dimension door, or teleport. The movement cannot be changed once chosen. Mist control does not prevent other action or spell casting.</br></br>The mist created is thick and concealing, obscuring even infravison beyond two feet. The mist is also extremely wet, dousing normal campfires or smaller flames and extinguishing larger normal fires in 2-5 rounds (this destroys the mists). Many wizards use this spell to put out house and forest fires.</br></br>All fire-based attacks entering, passing through, or cast within the mists lose 2 points from each die of damage.</br></br>Items in the mist receive +3 saving throw bonuses against fire-based attacks, but damage done is unchanged. The mists can be affected by hold vapor and destroyed by dispel magic. Duration of the mists is halved by strong winds." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]