Protection from Hunger and Thirst

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Protection from Hunger and Thirst
1st Level Spell, Abjuration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 1 day/level
 Area of Effect: One creature
 Components: S, M
 Casting Time: 1
 Saving Throw: None
Description: When protection from hunger and thirst is cast, the recipient requires no food, water, or nourishment of any kind for the duration of the spell. The recipient can be the caster or anyone he touches. Each day the caster (or the subject of the caster's choice) is under the effect of the spell, he is fully nourished as if he had eaten and drunk normally. At the end of the spell's duration, the subject is no more hungry or thirsty than he was when the spell was originally cast.

The material components for this spell are a small piece of dried meat and a cup of water.

Source: PHBR4 - The Complete Wizard's Handbook (TSR2115), Page 97
 Protection from Hunger and Thirst
 1st Level Spell
 1 day/level
 One creature
 S, M
 When protection from hunger and thirst is cast, the recipient requires no food, water, or nourishment of any kind for the duration of the spell. The recipient can be the caster or anyone he touches. Each day the caster (or the subject of the caster's choice) is under the effect of the spell, he is fully nourished as if he had eaten and drunk normally. At the end of the spell's duration, the subject is no more hungry or thirsty than he was when the spell was originally cast.

The material components for this spell are a small piece of dried meat and a cup of water.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "When protection from hunger and thirst is cast, the recipient requires no food, water, or nourishment of any kind for the duration of the spell. The recipient can be the caster or anyone he touches. Each day the caster (or the subject of the caster's choice) is under the effect of the spell, he is fully nourished as if he had eaten and drunk normally. At the end of the spell's duration, the subject is no more hungry or thirsty than he was when the spell was originally cast.</br></br>The material components for this spell are a small piece of dried meat and a cup of water." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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