Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere

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Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere
4th Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 3 Turns per level
 Area of Effect: 1 Creature
 Components: M, V
 Casting Time: 4
 Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: Created by the famous Fathomer Laurish Samprey, Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere projects a bubble of oxygen-similar to that generated by an airy water spell-around the head of the enchanted creature. This localized bubble of oxygen effectively acts as a helm of underwater action, allowing the recipient to breathe normally, cast spells, and hear as an assisted creature while submerged in water.

Casters can use this spell on unwilling creatures (usually those that exclusively breathe water) by making an attack roll; success indicates that the caster in question places the spell's material component (see below) around the head of the target creature. However, these creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell which, if successful, negates the dweomer. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or less who cannot breathe air will swirl about wildly and suffer 1d6 points of damage per round while the spell is in effect. Water-breathers possessing greater-than-animal intelligence immediately attempt to remove the material component from around their necks.

The material component of this spell is a scale from a member of an intelligent aquatic race, which the caster must obtain freely from the appropriate creature. The recipient of the spell must hang this scale around its neck by a necklace fashioned from unblemished sea kelp. This spell ends immediately if the recipient removes the material component from around its neck.

Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 104
 Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere
 4th Level Spell
 3 Turns per level
 1 Creature
 M, V
 Created by the famous Fathomer Laurish Samprey, Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere projects a bubble of oxygen-similar to that generated by an airy water spell-around the head of the enchanted creature. This localized bubble of oxygen effectively acts as a helm of underwater action, allowing the recipient to breathe normally, cast spells, and hear as an assisted creature while submerged in water.

Casters can use this spell on unwilling creatures (usually those that exclusively breathe water) by making an attack roll; success indicates that the caster in question places the spell's material component (see below) around the head of the target creature. However, these creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell which, if successful, negates the dweomer. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or less who cannot breathe air will swirl about wildly and suffer 1d6 points of damage per round while the spell is in effect. Water-breathers possessing greater-than-animal intelligence immediately attempt to remove the material component from around their necks.

The material component of this spell is a scale from a member of an intelligent aquatic race, which the caster must obtain freely from the appropriate creature. The recipient of the spell must hang this scale around its neck by a necklace fashioned from unblemished sea kelp. This spell ends immediately if the recipient removes the material component from around its neck.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "Created by the famous Fathomer Laurish Samprey, Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere projects a bubble of oxygen-similar to that generated by an airy water spell-around the head of the enchanted creature. This localized bubble of oxygen effectively acts as a helm of underwater action, allowing the recipient to breathe normally, cast spells, and hear as an assisted creature while submerged in water.</br>Casters can use this spell on unwilling creatures (usually those that exclusively breathe water) by making an attack roll; success indicates that the caster in question places the spell's material component (see below) around the head of the target creature. However, these creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell which, if successful, negates the dweomer. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or less who cannot breathe air will swirl about wildly and suffer 1d6 points of damage per round while the spell is in effect. Water-breathers possessing greater-than-animal intelligence immediately attempt to remove the material component from around their necks.</br></br>The material component of this spell is a scale from a member of an intelligent aquatic race, which the caster must obtain freely from the appropriate creature. The recipient of the spell must hang this scale around its neck by a necklace fashioned from unblemished sea kelp. This spell ends immediately if the recipient removes the material component from around its neck." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]