Spidereyes (Wizard)

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1st Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: Special
 Components: V,S, M
 Casting Time: 1
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell enables the caster to temporarily see through the eyes of any living arachnid, which must be touched. This creature, and a strand of spiderweb, are the material components of the spell. This spell does not give the caster any direct mental contact with the spider, and does not confer any sort of control over the arachnid, or ability to learn its thoughts or emotions.

Most spiders have eight eyes (two compound, six simple) whose vision is not readily understandable to most intelligent races. The spell allows the caster to comprehend what the spider sees (with range, focal viewpoint, and usually infravision) as readily as the spider does. The range between spider and caster is limited only by the spell duration and the spider's travels, but the spell is broken if either spider or caster move to another plane of existence. The interposition of certain magical barriers, such as the border of a minor globe of invulnerability or any more powerful spell, between arachnid and caster will also end this spell.

Usually small, harmless spiders are employed by casters of this spell, to serve as spies where a caster dare not go—but often, frustratingly, a spider will not go or look where the caster wants it to, unless controlled or influenced by additional spells.

Sometimes, this spell is cast on a giant spider (the caster requires a successful attack roll if the spider is hostile and not surprised) to see through its eyes while battling it, so that the caster and companions can strike from areas that the arachnid cannot see.

Source: FOR2 - The Drow of the Underdark (TSR9326), Page 49
 1st Level Spell
 1 round/level
 V,S, M
 This spell enables the caster to temporarily see through the eyes of any living arachnid, which must be touched. This creature, and a strand of spiderweb, are the material components of the spell. This spell does not give the caster any direct mental contact with the spider, and does not confer any sort of control over the arachnid, or ability to learn its thoughts or emotions.

Most spiders have eight eyes (two compound, six simple) whose vision is not readily understandable to most intelligent races. The spell allows the caster to comprehend what the spider sees (with range, focal viewpoint, and usually infravision) as readily as the spider does. The range between spider and caster is limited only by the spell duration and the spider's travels, but the spell is broken if either spider or caster move to another plane of existence. The interposition of certain magical barriers, such as the border of a minor globe of invulnerability or any more powerful spell, between arachnid and caster will also end this spell.

Usually small, harmless spiders are employed by casters of this spell, to serve as spies where a caster dare not go—but often, frustratingly, a spider will not go or look where the caster wants it to, unless controlled or influenced by additional spells.

Sometimes, this spell is cast on a giant spider (the caster requires a successful attack roll if the spider is hostile and not surprised) to see through its eyes while battling it, so that the caster and companions can strike from areas that the arachnid cannot see.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell enables the caster to temporarily see through the eyes of any living arachnid, which must be touched. This creature, and a strand of spiderweb, are the material components of the spell. This spell does not give the caster any direct mental contact with the spider, and does not confer any sort of control over the arachnid, or ability to learn its thoughts or emotions.</br></br>Most spiders have eight eyes (two compound, six simple) whose vision is not readily understandable to most intelligent races. The spell allows the caster to comprehend what the spider sees (with range, focal viewpoint, and usually infravision) as readily as the spider does. The range between spider and caster is limited only by the spell duration and the spider's travels, but the spell is broken if either spider or caster move to another plane of existence. The interposition of certain magical barriers, such as the border of a minor globe of invulnerability or any more powerful spell, between arachnid and caster will also end this spell.</br></br>Usually small, harmless spiders are employed by casters of this spell, to serve as spies where a caster dare not go—but often, frustratingly, a spider will not go or look where the caster wants it to, unless controlled or influenced by additional spells.</br></br>Sometimes, this spell is cast on a giant spider (the caster requires a successful attack roll if the spider is hostile and not surprised) to see through its eyes while battling it, so that the caster and companions can strike from areas that the arachnid cannot see." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]