TSR2151 - Table 3

From TTRPG Vault Wiki

Table 3 - Wild Devotions for Necromancers

Roll Devotion Discipline
01–03 Absorb Disease (Psychometabolism)
04 Adrenaline Control (Psychometabolism)
05–06 Aging (Psychometabolism)
07 All-Around Vision (Clairsentience)
08 Animate Object (Psychokinetics)
09–12 Astral Projection (Psychoportation)
13 Awe (Telepathy)
14–15 Ballistic Attack (Psychokinetics)
16–18 Body Control (Psychometabolism)
19 Body Equilibrium (Psychometabolism)
20–22 Cause Decay (Psychometabolism)
23–26 Cell Adjustment (Psychometabolism)
27–28 Combat Mind (Clairsentience)
29–31 Conceal Thoughts (Telepathy)
32–33 Control Body (Psychokinetics)
34 Danger Sense (Clairsentience)
35 Dimension Door (Psychoportation)
36 Double Pain (Psychometabolism)
37–38 Ectoplasmic Form (Psychometabolism)
39 Empathy (Telepathy)
40 Enhanced Strength (Psychometabolism)
41–44 ESP (Telepathy)
45–47 Heightened Senses (Psychometabolism)
48–50 Inflict Pain (Telepathy)
51 Invincible Foes (Telepathy)
52 Know Direction (Clairsentience)
53 Know Location (Clairsentience)
54–57 Life Detection (Telepathy)
58–60 Mind Bar (Telepathy)
61–62 Mind Over Body (Psychometabolism)
63–66 Poison Sense (Clairsentience)
67 Repugnance (Telepathy)
68–69 Send Thoughts (Telepathy)
70 Sight Link (Telepathy)
71 Sound Link (Telepathy)
72–76 Spirit Sense (Clairsentience)
77 Taste Link (Telepathy)
78–79 Telempathic Projection (Telepathy)
80 Truthear (Telepathy)
81-90 Choose any Devotion Above
91-95 Choose any Devotion and Roll Again
96-00 Choose any Devotion and Roll on Table 4