Ventriloquism (AD&D 2E)

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1st Level Spell, Illusion, Phantasm
 Range: 10 yds./level, max. 90 yds.
 Duration: 4 rds. + 1 rd./level
 Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
 Components: V, M
 Casting Time: 1
 Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: This spell enables the wizard to make his voice--or someone else's voice--or a similar sound seem to issue from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The spellcaster can speak in any language that he knows, or make any sound that he can normally make. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone rolling a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty detects the ruse. If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the DM may rule greater penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this spell in consideration of its contribution to the total effect of the combined illusion.

The material component of this spell is a parchment rolled up into a small cone.

Source: Player's Handbook (TSR2159), Page 180
 1st Level Spell
 Illusion, Phantasm
 10 yds./level, max. 90 yds.
 4 rds. + 1 rd./level
 1 creature or object
 V, M
 This spell enables the wizard to make his voice--or someone else's voice--or a similar sound seem to issue from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The spellcaster can speak in any language that he knows, or make any sound that he can normally make. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone rolling a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty detects the ruse. If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the DM may rule greater penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this spell in consideration of its contribution to the total effect of the combined illusion.

The material component of this spell is a parchment rolled up into a small cone.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell enables the wizard to make his voice--or someone else's voice--or a similar sound seem to issue from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The spellcaster can speak in any language that he knows, or make any sound that he can normally make. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone rolling a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty detects the ruse. If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the DM may rule greater penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this spell in consideration of its contribution to the total effect of the combined illusion.</br></br>The material component of this spell is a parchment rolled up into a small cone." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]