List of Level 3 Wizard Spells

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Level 3 Spells

BookSchoolRangeDurationAoEComponentsCasting TimeSaving ThrowSource
Alacrity (AD&D 2E)Alteration01 turn+1 round/levelThe casterV, S, M1NoneTSR2121
Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown (AD&D 2E)DivinationTouchSpecialOne itemV, S, M1 roundSpecialTSR2121
Alternate Reality (AD&D 2E)Alteration0InstantaneousCreature touchedV, S, M3NoneTSR2121
Augmentation I (AD&D 2E)Invocation/Evocation0SpecialSpecialV, S, M2NoneTSR2121
Bone Dance (AD&D 2E)Necromancy10 yards/level3 turns/levelSpecialS, M3 roundsNoneTSR2151
Call Undead (AD&D 2E)NecromancySphere, 100 yards/level radiusInstantaneousSpecialV, S, M3NoneTSR9301
Dark WingsAlterationTouch1 round/levelOne creatureV,S, M3Neg.TSR9326
False Face (AD&D 2E)Necromancy, Alteration10 yards/level1 turn/levelCasterV, S, M3NoneTSR2151
Hand of DarknessAlteration10 yards/level1 turn + 1 turn/levelLight sources within a 30' radius sphereV,S, M3NoneTSR9326
Pressure ResistanceAlterationTouch1 turn + 1 turn/level1 CreatureS, M3NoneTSR2170
Skulltrap (AD&D 2E)Necromancy, EvocationTouchSpecialOne SkullV, S, M41/2TSR2151