TSR2170 - Chapter 7 - Spells Underwater

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New Spells

This ection contain a variety of new wizard and priest spells designed for underwater use. Dungeon Masters should note that these rare spells are the result of years of painstaking research, development, and meditation by a fringe group of wizards and priests obsessed with the exploration of underwater realms.

Dungeon Masters should not allow player characters ready use of these spells. Rather, heroes should discover these new dweomers during the course of an underwater adventure or campaign. After all, the challenges presented by underwater adventuring wouldn't be challenges if player characters possessed magical solutions to them at the beginning of the adventure.

New 1st-Level Wizard Spells

1st Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 3 rounds + 1 rd./level
 Area of Effect: 1 Creature
 Components: V,S
 Casting Time: 1
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell reduces water resistance, allowing the recipient to travel at an increased rate underwater. Creatures under the influence of this spell can swim or walk at a rate equal to half their land movement rate times 10, in yards per round. Thus, a human with a movement rate of 12 could swim or walk 60 (12+2=6x10-60) yards or 180 feet per round.

A character too heavily encumbered to swim cannot do so by virtue of this spell, but he can walk along the bottom at the increased rate.

This spell does not improve the movement rates of aquatic creatures, nor does it reduce any combat or other penalties incurred through underwater adventuring.

Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 103
 1st Level Spell
 3 rounds + 1 rd./level
 1 Creature
 This spell reduces water resistance, allowing the recipient to travel at an increased rate underwater. Creatures under the influence of this spell can swim or walk at a rate equal to half their land movement rate times 10, in yards per round. Thus, a human with a movement rate of 12 could swim or walk 60 (12+2=6x10-60) yards or 180 feet per round.

A character too heavily encumbered to swim cannot do so by virtue of this spell, but he can walk along the bottom at the increased rate.

This spell does not improve the movement rates of aquatic creatures, nor does it reduce any combat or other penalties incurred through underwater adventuring.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell reduces water resistance, allowing the recipient to travel at an increased rate underwater. Creatures under the influence of this spell can swim or walk at a rate equal to half their land movement rate times 10, in yards per round. Thus, a human with a movement rate of 12 could swim or walk 60 (12+2=6x10-60) yards or 180 feet per round.</br>A character too heavily encumbered to swim cannot do so by virtue of this spell, but he can walk along the bottom at the increased rate.</br></br>This spell does not improve the movement rates of aquatic creatures, nor does it reduce any combat or other penalties incurred through underwater adventuring." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]

Tears of the Crocodile

New 2nd-Level Wizard Spells

Deep Eyes
2nd Level Spell, Divination
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 4 rounds + 1 rd./level
 Area of Effect: 1 Creature
 Components: V
 Casting Time: 2
 Saving Throw: None
Description: A creature receiving this spell enjoys increased visual range underwater. The recipient can see underwater twice as well as he normally could. Modifiers for water clarity and surface conditions apply, but the individual's depth modifier doubles.

The two bonuses are cumulative. For example, a submerged surface dweller can normally see movement in clear water on a Clear day at a maximum distance of 100 yards, provided he dives no deeper than 50 feet. A recipient of this spell, however, can see movement at a maximum distance of 200 yards at depths of 100 feet or less. See Chapter 5 for details on underwater vision.

Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 103
 Deep Eyes
 2nd Level Spell
 4 rounds + 1 rd./level
 1 Creature
 [[Has description::A creature receiving this spell enjoys increased visual range underwater. The recipient can see underwater twice as well as he normally could. Modifiers for water clarity and surface conditions apply, but the individual's depth modifier doubles.

The two bonuses are cumulative. For example, a submerged surface dweller can normally see movement in clear water on a Clear day at a maximum distance of 100 yards, provided he dives no deeper than 50 feet. A recipient of this spell, however, can see movement at a maximum distance of 200 yards at depths of 100 feet or less. See Chapter 5 for details on underwater vision.]]

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]

Withstand Water

New 3rd-Level Wizard Spells

Pressure Resistance
3rd Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level
 Area of Effect: 1 Creature
 Components: S, M
 Casting Time: 3
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell magically increases the recipient's resistance to the crushing force of water pressure, allowing him to function at greater depths underwater. The spell's recipient can safely dive to twice his normal depth.

For example, an unassisted human can normally withstand the effects of pressure to a maximum depth of 400 feet underwater. A human protected by this spell could safely dive to a depth of 800 feet. Note that this spell actually doubles the recipient's basic depth unit (see page 76).

The material component is a piece of bone or cartilage from a deep-sea creature.

Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 104
 Pressure Resistance
 3rd Level Spell
 1 turn + 1 turn/level
 1 Creature
 S, M
 This spell magically increases the recipient's resistance to the crushing force of water pressure, allowing him to function at greater depths underwater. The spell's recipient can safely dive to twice his normal depth.

For example, an unassisted human can normally withstand the effects of pressure to a maximum depth of 400 feet underwater. A human protected by this spell could safely dive to a depth of 800 feet. Note that this spell actually doubles the recipient's basic depth unit (see page 76).

The material component is a piece of bone or cartilage from a deep-sea creature.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell magically increases the recipient's resistance to the crushing force of water pressure, allowing him to function at greater depths underwater. The spell's recipient can safely dive to twice his normal depth.</br></br>For example, an unassisted human can normally withstand the effects of pressure to a maximum depth of 400 feet underwater. A human protected by this spell could safely dive to a depth of 800 feet. Note that this spell actually doubles the recipient's basic depth unit (see page 76).</br></br>The material component is a piece of bone or cartilage from a deep-sea creature." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]

New 4th-Level Wizard Spells

Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere
4th Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 3 Turns per level
 Area of Effect: 1 Creature
 Components: M, V
 Casting Time: 4
 Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: Created by the famous Fathomer Laurish Samprey, Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere projects a bubble of oxygen-similar to that generated by an airy water spell-around the head of the enchanted creature. This localized bubble of oxygen effectively acts as a helm of underwater action, allowing the recipient to breathe normally, cast spells, and hear as an assisted creature while submerged in water.

Casters can use this spell on unwilling creatures (usually those that exclusively breathe water) by making an attack roll; success indicates that the caster in question places the spell's material component (see below) around the head of the target creature. However, these creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell which, if successful, negates the dweomer. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or less who cannot breathe air will swirl about wildly and suffer 1d6 points of damage per round while the spell is in effect. Water-breathers possessing greater-than-animal intelligence immediately attempt to remove the material component from around their necks.

The material component of this spell is a scale from a member of an intelligent aquatic race, which the caster must obtain freely from the appropriate creature. The recipient of the spell must hang this scale around its neck by a necklace fashioned from unblemished sea kelp. This spell ends immediately if the recipient removes the material component from around its neck.

Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 104
 Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere
 4th Level Spell
 3 Turns per level
 1 Creature
 M, V
 Created by the famous Fathomer Laurish Samprey, Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere projects a bubble of oxygen-similar to that generated by an airy water spell-around the head of the enchanted creature. This localized bubble of oxygen effectively acts as a helm of underwater action, allowing the recipient to breathe normally, cast spells, and hear as an assisted creature while submerged in water.

Casters can use this spell on unwilling creatures (usually those that exclusively breathe water) by making an attack roll; success indicates that the caster in question places the spell's material component (see below) around the head of the target creature. However, these creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell which, if successful, negates the dweomer. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or less who cannot breathe air will swirl about wildly and suffer 1d6 points of damage per round while the spell is in effect. Water-breathers possessing greater-than-animal intelligence immediately attempt to remove the material component from around their necks.

The material component of this spell is a scale from a member of an intelligent aquatic race, which the caster must obtain freely from the appropriate creature. The recipient of the spell must hang this scale around its neck by a necklace fashioned from unblemished sea kelp. This spell ends immediately if the recipient removes the material component from around its neck.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "Created by the famous Fathomer Laurish Samprey, Samprey's Sensible Sea Sphere projects a bubble of oxygen-similar to that generated by an airy water spell-around the head of the enchanted creature. This localized bubble of oxygen effectively acts as a helm of underwater action, allowing the recipient to breathe normally, cast spells, and hear as an assisted creature while submerged in water.</br>Casters can use this spell on unwilling creatures (usually those that exclusively breathe water) by making an attack roll; success indicates that the caster in question places the spell's material component (see below) around the head of the target creature. However, these creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell which, if successful, negates the dweomer. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or less who cannot breathe air will swirl about wildly and suffer 1d6 points of damage per round while the spell is in effect. Water-breathers possessing greater-than-animal intelligence immediately attempt to remove the material component from around their necks.</br></br>The material component of this spell is a scale from a member of an intelligent aquatic race, which the caster must obtain freely from the appropriate creature. The recipient of the spell must hang this scale around its neck by a necklace fashioned from unblemished sea kelp. This spell ends immediately if the recipient removes the material component from around its neck." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]

New 5th-Level Wizard Spells

Sense of the Predator
5th Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
 Area of Effect: 20' radius
 Components: V
 Casting Time: 3
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell attunes the recipient to the presence of electrical fields within its radius, granting him the ability to sense the presence of other creatures. This electrical sense allows the recipient to "see" the general size and position (though not the race) of all creatures within the area of effect. The spell is highly useful in underwater situations where visibility is sometimes poor or nonexistent.

The recipient's electrical sense negates the effects of invisibility, magically induced darkness, and poor visibility on melee attacks in most cases (see Table 72 in the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide).

This spell cannot detect the presence of creatures without a central nervous system, such as undead, oozes, slimes, and jellies. In addition, the recipient's extreme sensitivity to electrical fields renders him particularly vulnerable to powerful electric discharges- like those emitted from a lightning bolt or chain lightning spell or an electric eel.

If such a discharge occurs within the radius of the spell, the recipient must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. Stunned characters cannot make any meaningful actions and will sink (or rise) at the appropriate rate for their encumbrance levels (see page 76). If the recipient is actually subjected to an electrical attack, he suffers the attack's normal effects in addition to stunning.

Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 104
 Sense of the Predator
 5th Level Spell
 1 turn + 1 round/level
 20' radius
 This spell attunes the recipient to the presence of electrical fields within its radius, granting him the ability to sense the presence of other creatures. This electrical sense allows the recipient to "see" the general size and position (though not the race) of all creatures within the area of effect. The spell is highly useful in underwater situations where visibility is sometimes poor or nonexistent.

The recipient's electrical sense negates the effects of invisibility, magically induced darkness, and poor visibility on melee attacks in most cases (see Table 72 in the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide).

This spell cannot detect the presence of creatures without a central nervous system, such as undead, oozes, slimes, and jellies. In addition, the recipient's extreme sensitivity to electrical fields renders him particularly vulnerable to powerful electric discharges- like those emitted from a lightning bolt or chain lightning spell or an electric eel.

If such a discharge occurs within the radius of the spell, the recipient must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. Stunned characters cannot make any meaningful actions and will sink (or rise) at the appropriate rate for their encumbrance levels (see page 76). If the recipient is actually subjected to an electrical attack, he suffers the attack's normal effects in addition to stunning.Property "Has description" (as page type) with input value "This spell attunes the recipient to the presence of electrical fields within its radius, granting him the ability to sense the presence of other creatures. This electrical sense allows the recipient to "see" the general size and position (though not the race) of all creatures within the area of effect. The spell is highly useful in underwater situations where visibility is sometimes poor or nonexistent.</br>The recipient's electrical sense negates the effects of invisibility, magically induced darkness, and poor visibility on melee attacks in most cases (see Table 72 in the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide).</br></br>This spell cannot detect the presence of creatures without a central nervous system, such as undead, oozes, slimes, and jellies. In addition, the recipient's extreme sensitivity to electrical fields renders him particularly vulnerable to powerful electric discharges- like those emitted from a lightning bolt or chain lightning spell or an electric eel.</br></br>If such a discharge occurs within the radius of the spell, the recipient must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. Stunned characters cannot make any meaningful actions and will sink (or rise) at the appropriate rate for their encumbrance levels (see page 76). If the recipient is actually subjected to an electrical attack, he suffers the attack's normal effects in addition to stunning." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]

New 6th-Level Wizard Spells

Enhance Water Creature

New 7th-Level Wizard Spells

Watery Adaption
7th Level Spell, Alteration
 Range: Touch
 Duration: 1 hr./level
 Area of Effect: 1 creature + 1 creature/3 levels
 Components: V
 Casting Time: 7
 Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell operates identically to the Third-level wizard spell water breathing, except that the recipient can actually speak normally and cast spells with verbal components underwater. In addition, the caster may grant the spell's effects by touch to 1 creature for every 3 levels. The duration of the spell is not, however, divided among the recipients. To bestow the effect, the caster must touch the recipient during the round the spell is cast.
Source: DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170), Page 105
 Watery Adaption
 7th Level Spell
 1 hr./level
 1 creature + 1 creature/3 levels
 [[Has description::This spell operates identically to the Third-level wizard spell water breathing, except that the recipient can actually speak normally and cast spells with verbal components underwater. In addition, the caster may grant the spell's effects by touch to 1 creature for every 3 levels. The duration of the spell is not, however, divided among the recipients. To bestow the effect, the caster must touch the recipient during the round the spell is cast.]]
 [[Has sphere:{{{Sphere}}}]]