List of Level 1 Wizard Spells

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Level 1 Spells

BookSchoolRangeDurationAoEComponentsCasting TimeSaving ThrowSource
Affect Normal Fires (AD&D 2E)Alteration5 yds./level2 rds./level10-ft. radiusV, S, M1NoneTSR2159
Alarm (AD&D 2E)Abjuration, Evocation10 yds.4 hrs. + 1/2 hr./levelUp to 20-ft. cubeV, S, M1 rd.NoneTSR2159
Animate Dead Animals (AD&D 2E)Necromancy10 feetPermanentSpecialV, S, M2 roundsNoneTSR2151
Armour (AD&D 2E)ConjurationTouchSpecial1 creatureV, S, M1 rd.NoneTSR2159
Audible Glamer (AD&D 2E)Illusion, Phantasm60 yds. + 10 yds./level3 rds./levelHearing rangeV, S, M1SpecialTSR2159
Burning Hands (AD&D 2E)Alteration0InstantaneousThe CasterV,S11/2TSR2159
Cantrip (AD&D 2E)All Schools10 ft.1 hr./levelSpecialV,S1NoneTSR2159
Change Self (AD&D 2E)Illusion, Phantasm02d6 rds. + 2 rds./levelThe CasterV,S1NoneTSR2159
Charm Person (AD&D 2E)Enchantment, Charm120 yds.Special1 personV,S1Neg.TSR2159
Chill Touch (AD&D 2E)Necromancy03 rds. + 1 rd./levelThe CasterV,S1Neg.TSR2159
Chromatic Orb (AD&D 2E)Alteration, Evocation0SpecialOne creatureV, S, M1Neg.TSR2115
Color Spray (AD&D 2E)Alteration0Instantaneous5 x 20 x 20 ft. wedgeV, S, M1SpecialTSR2159
Comprehend Languages (AD&D 2E)Alteration - ReversibleTouch5 rds./level1 speaking creature or written textV, S, M1 rd.NoneTSR2159
Conjure Spell Component (AD&D 2E)Conjuration, Summoning1 mile/level1 round3 components/levelV, S1NoneTSR2121
Copy (AD&D 2E)EvocationSpecialInstantaneousOne objectV, S, M1 roundSpecialTSR2115
Corpse Link (AD&D 2E)Necromancy, Alteration10 yards/level1 turn/levelCasterV, S, M1NoneTSR2151
Corpse VisageIllusion, NecromancyTouch1 round/levelCreature touchedV, S, M1 roundNeg.TSR2115
Dancing LightsAlteration40 yds. + 10 yds./level2 rds./levelSpecialV, S, M1NoneTSR2159
Detect DiseaseDivination10 yards1 round/level1 creature or objectV, S, M1NoneTSR2115
Detect MagicDivination02 rds./level10 x 60 ft.V, S1NoneTSR2159
Detect UndeadDivination, Necromancy03 turns60 ft. + 10 ft./levelV, S, M1 rd.NoneTSR2159
Divining RodDivination, Enchantment60 yards1 round/levelSpecialV, S, M1 roundNoneTSR2115
Enlarge (AD&D 2E)Alteration - Reversible5 yds./level5 rds./level1 creature or objectV, S, M1Neg.TSR2159
Erase (AD&D 2E)Alteration30 yds.Permanent1 scroll or 2 pagesV, S1SpecialTSR2159
Exterminate (AD&D 2E)Evocation10 feetInstantaneous1 small creature or 1 cubic foot per level (up to 10 creatures or 10 cubic feet maximum)V, S, M1NoneTSR2151
Feather FallAlteration10 yds./level1 rd./levelSpecialV1NoneTSR2159
Find FamiliarConjuration, Summoning1 mile/levelSpecial1 familiarV, S, M2d12 hoursSpecialTSR2159
Fire Burst (AD&D 2E)Alteration, Evocation5 yards/levelInstantaneousOne 10'-radius circleV, S1Neg.TSR2121
Fist of Stone (AD&D 2E)Alteration01 round/levelThe caster's handV, S1NoneTSR2121
FriendsEnchantment, Charm01d4 rds. + 1 rd./level60-ft. radiusV, S, MCasting Time: 1Saving Throw: SpecialTSR2159
Gaze ReflectionAlteration02 rds. + 1 rd./levelSpecialV, S1NoneTSR2159
GlideAlterationTouch3 rounds + 1 rd./level1 CreatureV,S1NoneTSR2170
GreaseConjuration10 yds.3 rds. + 1 rd./level10 x 10 ft.V, S, M1SpecialTSR2159
Hold PortalAlteration20 yds./level1 rd./level20 sq. ft./levelV1NoneTSR2159
Hornung's Guess* (AD&D 2E)Divination300 yardsInstantaneousSpecialV2NoneTSR2121
HypnotismEnchantment, Charm5 yds.1 rd. + 1 rd./level30 ft. cubeV, S1Neg.TSR2159
IdentifyDivination01 rd./level1 item/levelV, S, MSpecialNoneTSR2159
JumpAlterationTouch1d3 rds. + 1 rd./levelCreature touchedV, S, M1NoneTSR2159
Lasting Breath (AD&D 2E)Alteration5 yards/level1d4 rounds +1 round/levelOne creature/levelV, S1NoneTSR2121
LightAlteration60 yds.1 turn/level20-ft. radiusV, M1SpecialTSR2159
Locate Remains (AD&D 2E)Necromancy, Divination01 turn + 5 rounds/level30' long + 5'/ levelV, S, M1 roundNoneTSR2151
Magic MissileEvocation120 feetInstantaneousTargetedV, S1 actionNoneTSR2159
MendingAlteration30 yds.Permanent1 objectV, S, M1NoneTSR2159
MessageAlteration05 rds./levelSpecialV, S, M1NoneTSR2159
Metamorphose Liquids (AD&D 2E)AlterationTouchPermanent1'-cube/levelV, S, M1 rd.SpecialTSR2121
MountConjuration, Summoning10 yds.2 hrs. + 1 hr./level1 mountV, S, M1 turnNoneTSR2159
Murdock's Feathery Flyer (AD&D 2E)Alteration01 round/levelThe casterV, S, M1None Upon casting this spell, a feathery membrane grows under the wizard's arms, extending along his sides all the way to his feet. The membrane appears to merge with the caster's skin and clothing.TSR2121
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer* (AD&D 2E)Invocation, EvocationSpecialSpecialSpecialV, S5SpecialTSR2121
Nystul's Magical AuraIllusion, PhantasmTouch1 day/levelSpecialV, S, M1 rd.SpecialTSR2159
Patternweave (AD&D 2E)Divination10 yds.1 round10-foot squareV, S, M3SpecialTSR2121
... further results