
From TTRPG Vault Wiki

Books with Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Rules and Physical Copy

Castle Sites (TSR9479)Kevin Melka, Sam Witt19950-7869-0145-4
City Sites (TSR9464)Skip Williams19941-56076-923-8
City System (TSR1040)Jeff Grubb, Ed Greenwood19880-88038-600-2
Cormanthyr Empire of Elves (TSR1165)Steven E. Schend, Kevin Melka19980-78690-761-4
Country Sites (TSR9482)Robin Jenkins19950-7869-0180-2
DMGR1 - Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide (TSR2112)Paul Jaquays & William W. Connors19900-88038-817-X
DMGR2 - Castle Guide (TSR2114)Grant Boucher, Troy Christensen, Arthur Collins & Nigel Findley19900-88038-837-4
DMGR3 - Arms and Equipment Guide (TSR2123)Grant Boucher, Troy Christensen, Jon Pickens, John Terra & Scott Davis19911-56076-109-1
DMGR4 - Monster Mythology (TSR2128)Carl Sargent19921-56076-362-0
DMGR5 - Creative Campaigning (TSR2133)Tony Pryor, Tony Herring, Jonathan Tweet & Norm Ritchie19931-56076-561-5
DMGR6 - The Complete Book of Villains (TSR2144)Kirk Botula19941-56076-837-1
DMGR7 - The Complete Book of Necromancers (TSR2151)Steve Kurtz19950-7869-0106-3
DMGR8 - Sages and Specialists (TSR2164)Matt Forbeck19960-7869-0410-0
DMGR9 - of Ships and the Sea (TSR2170)Keith Francis Strohm19970-7869-0706-1
Dungeon Master Guide (TSR2160)David “Zeb” Cook19970-7869-0328-7
Elminster's Ecologies (TSR1111)Rick Swan, Monte Cook, Eric Haddock, Anthony Pryor19941-56076-917-3
FA1 - Halls of the High King (TSR9301)Ed Greenwood19900-88038-881-1
FA2 - Nightmare Keep (TSR9341)Rick Swan19911-56076-147-4
FOR1 - Draconomicon (TSR9297)Nigel Findley19900-88038-876-5
FOR10 - Warriors and Priests of the Realms (TSR9509)John Terra19960-78690-368-6
FOR11 - Cult of the Dragon (TSR9547)Dale Donovan19980-7869-0709-6
FOR12 - Demihumans of the Realms (TSR11316)Roger E. Moore19960-7869-1316-9
FOR13 - Secrets of the Magister (TSR11430)Ed Greenwood20000-7869-1430-0
FOR2 - The Drow of the Underdark (TSR9326)Ed Greenwood19911-56076-132-6
FOR3 - Pirates of the Fallen Stars (TSR9346)Curtis Scott19921-56076-320-5
FOR4 - Code of the Harpers (TSR9390)Ed Greenwood19931-56076-644-1
FOR5 - Elves of Evermeet (TSR9430)Anthony Pryor19941-56076-829-0
FOR6 - The Seven Sisters (TSR9475)Ed Greenwood19950-7869-0118-7
FOR7 - Giantcraft (TSR9487)Ray Winninger19950-7869-0163-2
FOR8 - Pages from the Mages (TSR9491)Ed Greenwood, Tim Beach19950-7869-0183-7
FOR9 - Wizards and Rogues of the Realms (TSR9492)William W. Connors19950-78690-190-X
FR1 - Waterdeep & The North (TSR9213)Ed Greenwood19870-88038-490-5
FR2 - Moonshae (TSR9217)Douglas Niles19870-88038-494-8
FR3 - Empires of the Sands (TSR9224)Scott Haring19880-88038-539-1
FR4 - The Magister (TSR9229)Ed Greenwood & Steve Perrin19880-88038-564-2
FR5 - The Savage Frontier (TSR9233)Paul Jaquays19880-88038-593-6
FR6 - Dreams of the Red Wizards (TSR9235)Steve Perrin19880-88038-615-0
FRC1 - Ruins of Adventure (TSR9238)Mike Breault, David Cook, Jim Ward, and Steve Winter19880-88038-588-X
FRC2 - Curse of the Azure Bonds (TSR9239)Jeff Grubb and George MacDonald19890-88038-606-1
FRE1 - Shadowdale (TSR9247)Ed Greenwood19890-88038-720-3
FRE2 - Tantras (TSR9248)Ed Greenwood19890-88038-739-4
FRE3 - Waterdeep (TSR9249)Ed Greenwood19890-88038-757-2
Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (TSR1031)Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, Karen S. Martin19870-88038-472-7
Greyhawk Adventures (TSR2023)James M. Ward19880-88038-649-5
How the Mighty Are Fallen (TSR9540)Slade19960-78690-537-9
Kara-Tur The Eastern Realms (TSR1032)Mike Pondsmith, Jay Batista, Rick Swan, John Nephew & Deborah Christian19880-88038-608-8
Legends & Lore (TSR2108)James M. Ward, Troy Denning19910-88038-844-7
Manual of the Planes (TSR2022)Jeff Grubb19870-88038-399-2
Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume One (TSR2145)19941-56076-838-X
Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume Three (TSR2166)19960-7869-0449-6
... further results

Level 1 Spells

BookRangeSchoolDurationAoEComponentsCasting TimeSaving Throw
Affect Normal Fires (AD&D 2E)5 yds./levelAlteration2 rds./level10-ft. radiusV, S, M1None
Alarm (AD&D 2E)10 yds.Abjuration, Evocation4 hrs. + 1/2 hr./levelUp to 20-ft. cubeV, S, M1 rd.None
Animal Friendship (AD&D 2E)10 yds.Enchantment/CharmPermanent1 animalV, S, M1 hr.Neg.
Animate Dead Animals (AD&D 2E)10 feetNecromancyPermanentSpecialV, S, M2 roundsNone
Armour (AD&D 2E)TouchConjurationSpecial1 creatureV, S, M1 rd.None
Audible Glamer (AD&D 2E)60 yds. + 10 yds./levelIllusion, Phantasm3 rds./levelHearing rangeV, S, M1Special
Burning Hands (AD&D 2E)0AlterationInstantaneousThe CasterV,S11/2
Cantrip (AD&D 2E)10 ft.All Schools1 hr./levelSpecialV,S1None
Change Self (AD&D 2E)0Illusion, Phantasm2d6 rds. + 2 rds./levelThe CasterV,S1None
Charm Person (AD&D 2E)120 yds.Enchantment, CharmSpecial1 personV,S1Neg.
Chill Touch (AD&D 2E)0Necromancy3 rds. + 1 rd./levelThe CasterV,S1Neg.
Chromatic Orb (AD&D 2E)0Alteration, EvocationSpecialOne creatureV, S, M1Neg.
Color Spray (AD&D 2E)0AlterationInstantaneous5 x 20 x 20 ft. wedgeV, S, M1Special
Comprehend Languages (AD&D 2E)TouchAlteration - Reversible5 rds./level1 speaking creature or written textV, S, M1 rd.None
Conjure Spell Component (AD&D 2E)1 mile/levelConjuration, Summoning1 round3 components/levelV, S1None
Copy (AD&D 2E)SpecialEvocationInstantaneousOne objectV, S, M1 roundSpecial
Corpse Link (AD&D 2E)10 yards/levelNecromancy, Alteration1 turn/levelCasterV, S, M1None
Corpse VisageTouchIllusion, Necromancy1 round/levelCreature touchedV, S, M1 roundNeg.
Dancing Lights40 yds. + 10 yds./levelAlteration2 rds./levelSpecialV, S, M1None
Detect Disease10 yardsDivination1 round/level1 creature or objectV, S, M1None
Detect Magic0Divination2 rds./level10 x 60 ft.V, S1None
Detect Undead0Divination, Necromancy3 turns60 ft. + 10 ft./levelV, S, M1 rd.None
Divining Rod60 yardsDivination, Enchantment1 round/levelSpecialV, S, M1 roundNone
Enlarge (AD&D 2E)5 yds./levelAlteration - Reversible5 rds./level1 creature or objectV, S, M1Neg.
Erase (AD&D 2E)30 yds.AlterationPermanent1 scroll or 2 pagesV, S1Special
Exterminate (AD&D 2E)10 feetEvocationInstantaneous1 small creature or 1 cubic foot per level (up to 10 creatures or 10 cubic feet maximum)V, S, M1None
Feather Fall10 yds./levelAlteration1 rd./levelSpecialV1None
Find Familiar1 mile/levelConjuration, SummoningSpecial1 familiarV, S, M2d12 hoursSpecial
Fire Burst (AD&D 2E)5 yards/levelAlteration, EvocationInstantaneousOne 10'-radius circleV, S1Neg.
Fist of Stone (AD&D 2E)0Alteration1 round/levelThe caster's handV, S1None
Friends0Enchantment, Charm1d4 rds. + 1 rd./level60-ft. radiusV, S, MCasting Time: 1Saving Throw: Special
Gaze Reflection0Alteration2 rds. + 1 rd./levelSpecialV, S1None
GlideTouchAlteration3 rounds + 1 rd./level1 CreatureV,S1None
Grease10 yds.Conjuration3 rds. + 1 rd./level10 x 10 ft.V, S, M1Special
Hold Portal20 yds./levelAlteration1 rd./level20 sq. ft./levelV1None
Hornung's Guess* (AD&D 2E)300 yardsDivinationInstantaneousSpecialV2None
Hypnotism5 yds.Enchantment, Charm1 rd. + 1 rd./level30 ft. cubeV, S1Neg.
Identify0Divination1 rd./level1 item/levelV, S, MSpecialNone
JumpTouchAlteration1d3 rds. + 1 rd./levelCreature touchedV, S, M1None
Lasting Breath (AD&D 2E)5 yards/levelAlteration1d4 rounds +1 round/levelOne creature/levelV, S1None
Light60 yds.Alteration1 turn/level20-ft. radiusV, M1Special
Locate Remains (AD&D 2E)0Necromancy, Divination1 turn + 5 rounds/level30' long + 5'/ levelV, S, M1 roundNone
Magic Missile120 feetEvocationInstantaneousTargetedV, S1 actionNone
Mending30 yds.AlterationPermanent1 objectV, S, M1None
Message0Alteration5 rds./levelSpecialV, S, M1None
Metamorphose Liquids (AD&D 2E)TouchAlterationPermanent1'-cube/levelV, S, M1 rd.Special
Mount10 yds.Conjuration, Summoning2 hrs. + 1 hr./level1 mountV, S, M1 turnNone
Murdock's Feathery Flyer (AD&D 2E)0Alteration1 round/levelThe casterV, S, M1None Upon casting this spell, a feathery membrane grows under the wizard's arms, extending along his sides all the way to his feet. The membrane appears to merge with the caster's skin and clothing.
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer* (AD&D 2E)SpecialInvocation, EvocationSpecialSpecialV, S5Special
Nystul's Magical AuraTouchIllusion, Phantasm1 day/levelSpecialV, S, M1 rd.Special
... further results

Spells by line

Spells in Table

1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells 3rd Level Spells
  1. Conjure Spell Component (AD&D 2E)
  2. Fire Burst (AD&D 2E)
  3. Fist of Stone (AD&D 2E)
  4. Hornung's Guess* (AD&D 2E)
  5. Lasting Breath (AD&D 2E)
  6. Metamorphose Liquids (AD&D 2E)
  7. Murdock's Feathery Flyer (AD&D 2E)
  8. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer* (AD&D 2E)
  9. Patternweave (AD&D 2E)
  10. TSR2121 - First-Level Wizard Spells
  1. Alacrity (AD&D 2E)
  2. Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown (AD&D 2E)
  3. Alternate Reality (AD&D 2E)
  4. Augmentation I (AD&D 2E)
4th Level Spells 5th Level Spells 6th Level Spells
  1. Augmentation II (AD&D 2E)
  2. Bloodstone's Spectral Steed (AD&D 2E)
7th Level Spells 8th Level Spells 9th Level Spells
  1. Acid Storm (AD&D 2E)
  1. Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting (AD&D 2E)
  2. Airboat (AD&D 2E)


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